Butwal Public School

Butwal Public School

Yogikuti, Tilottama, Butwal, Rupandehi


Butwal Public School was established in the year 2059 B.S. with its motto 'Learning through Practice'. The school is located at the outskirts of Butwal city in a very quiet and peaceful learning environment. 

The school strategizes in achieving excellence through guidance, coaching and counselling process which is a practical approach to learning process. The school helps the students to develop interpersonal skills with its involvement in encouraging their potentiality.Butwal Public School introduced GCE A- level programme in association with University of Cambridge, UK for the first time in Lumbini Zone in 2013 AD.


“Learning through Practice"


To help students to lead their lives with self-regulation and knowledge to serve society.


To provide all-around,contemporary and practical education in any academic level.

Guideline Principles:

Butwal Public School believes in:

  • Lifelong learning process;
  • Each individual is unique and has different style of learning;
  • Honesty at work;
  • Respect for self and others;
  • Each individual must care for resources;
  • Constructive competition among each individual and cooperation with benefits; and
  • One should always instill questioning spirit.

Contact address

Butwal Public School
Yogikuti, Shankarnagar - Butwal, Nepal

Salient Features


  • Dedicated and most demanded teaching faculties;
  • Well Furnished and full facilitated classrooms with fully academic environment;
  • Neccessary support, aids and equipment in laboratories;
  • Well stocked library with text and reference books;
  • Parent- Teacher Conference after each internal examination;
  • Facility of academic, career and personal counseling;
  • Necessary and sufficient support for the students wishing to go abroad for higher studies;
  • IT Labs and Classrooms with continuous power supply with internet;
  • Multimedia based teaching / learning activities;
  • Well furnised and ventilated class rooms;
  • Extra Tutorial Classes for needy students;
  • Regular unit test of each subject; and
  • Re-examination pattern in terminal exams.

Admission Guidelines


For GCE A level Non-Science - Cambridge GCE A-Level College: To study A Level a student must have completed SLC or an equivalent examination and should have passed entrance examination.

For GCE A level- Science - Cambridge GCE A-Level College: To study A Level a student must have completed SLC or an equivalent examination.

For +2 in Science: 


For +2 in Management:

Students will to enroll in grade 11 and study following subjects (Mathematics/Accountancy/Economics/Computer Science/Teaching Mathematics/Elements of Finance/Jyotish/Business Mathematics/Cooperative Management, Business Studies/Geography/Psychology) must score GPA 1.6 with GPA 1.6 and score D+ in English, Nepali, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.



Category of Scholarships

Extent of scholarships

Quota for


SEE Board Toppers (Top 10)



BPS Entrance Toppers (1 Boy & 1 Girl)



Students with Grade A+

100 % in Tuition fee


Students with Grade A

75 % in Tuition fee


SEE District Toppers

(from diff. districts)

50 % in Tuition fee &

50 % in Annual fee


*Score is calculated by taking 50 % weight from SEE result and 50 % weight from BPS entrance exam score.


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Rambha Devi College of Medical Science
  • Tilottama-3, Shankarnagar, Tilottama, Tillotama, RupandehiApprox 1000m away
New Light Boarding Secondary School
New Light Boarding Secondary School
  • Shankar Nagar, Shankarnagar, RupandehiApprox 1700m away
New Horizon English Boarding Secondary School
New Horizon English Boarding Secondary School
  • Devinagar, Butwal, RupandehiApprox 1900m away
Shankarnagar Durgadatta Secondary School
Shankarnagar Durgadatta Secondary School
  • Shankar Nagar, Shankarnagar, RupandehiApprox 2100m away