SEE Result 2075/76 - LIVE


June 27, 2019
A-Levels 2025

Ashadh 12, Kathmandu - National Examination Board is going to publish the result of SEE (Grade 10 examination) by today evening if no technical difficulties are encountered. " Students can check their SEE result from once the result is published.

Reload the page for live updates. 

-     3:30 pm:  edusanjal team is waiting for meeting to be over to receive the official result of SEE.

-     3:00 pm:  To publish the result of SEE, the meeting of Examination Board has just started.

-     1:00 pm: Various news media are arriving every hour at Office of the Controllers of Examinations waiting for SEE Result press release.

-    12:00 pm: edusanjal team have received the news that the press meeting will be held at 3 pm today, and the results will be subsequently published.

-    11:30 am: Are you excited about SEE Result today, but haven't made plans for further studies yet? Check: What to do after SEE?

-    10:30 am: “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” ― W.B. Yeats. The SEE result today, will be a start of new fire that will begin in the                                students as they go forward in their higher education.

-    10:00 am: We have received the information that SEE result will be available by 4pm/5pm today.

-     9:30 am: edusanjal team has reached Office of the Controllers of Examinations for the updates of SEE Result 2075/76.

According to the Examination Controller Office that the result will be published today as all the preparations have been made. A board meeting has been called today at 1 PM before publishing the result. 

Recommended: How to check SEE result 2075/76?

Four lakhs, seventy-five thousand and three students from all over the nation participated in the SEE examination held in 2075. 
