Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Education, Dean's Office, Kirtipur has published the fourth-semester examination routine of the Master of Education (M.Ed) program. The routine covers regular, partial, and chance (including open and distance learning) examinations of all M.Ed students of TU.
Key Information
- Exam Starts on: Chaitra 29, 2081 (April 11, 2025)
- Examination Time: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Notes :
- Practical examinations must be completed and submitted to the Examination Control Division within 30 days of the theory examinations.
- Internal assessment marks must be entered into the online system, and the original copy of the marks, along with the attendance record, must be submitted to the Examination Control Division before the commencement of the examinations.
- The examination center will be published later.
Download the schedule here or
View the notice below: