Colleges offering BEd under Tribhuvan University
This program has now been discontinued.
One year B.Ed. Program of Tribhuvan University is designed to prepare trained teachers for teaching at the secondary level of school education in Nepal. The university decided to amend the one-year B.Ed program and incorporate it into the semester system from 2077 BS. Graduates and post-graduates are eligible for enrollment in this program.
Teachers are professional practitioners that require a subject matters knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and skills, and competence to implement the specific knowledge and skills in specific contexts of teaching.
One year B.Ed course intends to acquaint the students with the fundamental knowledge of education, innovation in teaching, school and society, education and social policy, and education and philosophy. Moreover, it provides information regarding the development of education in Nepal, the major recommendations of the education commissions, and the contribution of programs to shape the education system in Nepal.
Prospective candidates with Bachelor's Degree should have gained content knowledge in different subjects such as English, Nepali, Mathematics, Science, Health, Economics, Geography, Population, History, Political Science, etc. This programme basically focuses on pedagogical knowledge and methodological skills required to teach specific subject at secondary level.
General Objective
- The general objective of this course is as follows
- To provide the students with a deeper and broader understanding of the fundamentals of education and teaching.
- To provide the students with in-depth knowledge of different schools of philosophy.
- To develop an understanding of the sociological foundation of education among students.
- To acquaint the students with the development of education in Nepal.
- To make the students familiar with the contribution of different education commissions plans and programmes to the development of education in Nepal.
Admission to One-Year B.Ed. programming is open to those having Bachelor's Degree in any subject except for the Sanskrit graduates with no Compulsory English.
Admission Criteria
- The candidates holding a Bachelor or Master degree except from Education Faculty can apply for this course.
- The students have to complete the specialization subject in Bachelor degree if they want to study another specialization subject other than the specialization subject of their Bachelor/Master degree.
- Teaching method should be cleared before going to Practice Teaching.
- The duration of Practice Teaching is 8 weeks (2 weeks in a campus and 6 weeks outside campus).
- One hundred fifty teaching days are alloted for 100 marks paper.
- The percentage for pass, second division, first division and distinction are 35%, 45% 60% and 80% respectively.
Curricular Structure
Course Structure
The one year B.Ed. programme courses can be divided into three categories, viz. Core Courses which carry 300 full marks, Specialization Courses (English, Math, etc.) which carry 200 full marks, and Teaching Practice which carries 100 full marks. The following table shows different courses with their mark distribution.
S.N. |
Nature of the Course |
Full Marks |
1 |
Professional (Core Course) |
300 |
2 |
Specialization |
200 |
4 |
Teaching Practice |
100 |
Total |
600 |
A. Core Course
- Ed.412 Philosophical and Sociological Foundation of Education
- Ed.413 Educational Psychology
- Ed.414 Curriculum and Evaluation
B.1. Specialization One
- Eco.Ed. 490 Method teaching Economices
- Eng.Ed .490 English Language leaching Methods and materials
- Geo.Ed .490 Methods of Teaching Geography Hist.Ed .490 Teaching History
- Math.Ed. 490 Teaching Mathematics
- Phy.Ed .490 Teaching and Coaching in physical Education
- Pol.Sc.Ed. 490 Methods of Teaching political Science
- Sc.Ed .490 Methods of Teaching Science at Secondary School
- He.Ed .490 Methods of Teaching Health pop.Ed.
- 490 Methods of Teaching population Ed.Mgt. 413 Educational Supervision
- Ec.Ed. 422 Early Childhood Development
- Special Edu Sn.Ed 305 Dev.of soc. Skills and Special Need Children
- नेपा.शि.४९० नेपाली भाषा शिक्षण
B.2.Specialization Two
- Eco.Ed. 416 Economices Analysis
- Eng.Ed .416 Fundamentals of Language and Linguistics
- Geo.Ed .416 Physcal Geography
- Hist.Ed .416 Ancient and Medieval History of Nepal
- Math.Ed. 416 Mathematics for school Teachers
- Phy.Ed .416 Foundation of Physical Education and Sport Science Pol.Sc.Ed. 416 political Thinkers
- He.Ed .416 Fund. of Health and Health se pop.Ed. 416 Pop.Env.and Quality of Life Ed.MgL 412Educational Administration Ecd.Ed. 421Fundamentals of Early Childhood So.Std. 438 Teaching Social Study
- Special Edu Sn.Ed 304 Fund.of Special Need in Edu.
- नेपा.शि.४१६ सामान्य र प्रायोगिक भाषा बिज्ञान