Entrance Exams
Colleges offering MD in Paediatric under National Academy of Medical Sciences
More than 40 percent of the Nepal's population falls on the paediatric age group. A high prevalence of under nutrition combined with repeated infections lead to the high mortality and morbidity rate during childhood.
The number of doctors trained in child and adolescence health is about 120 in the country. Therefore, there is tremendous demand of qualified and well-trained paediatricians. The newly established medical colleges also need qualified paediatrician for their paediatric faculties. Only two institutions namely Tribhuvan University and BPKIHS, Dharan provide postgraduate degree courses in paediatrics in the country.
The number of postgraduate produced by these institutions is not enough to meet the requirements of the nation. For these reasons, NAMS has decided to start a postgraduate degree course in peadiatrics. The MD Paediatrics training will consist of a three years postgraduate residential degree course in Paediatrics.
The training will primarily be based in Kanti Children's Hospital and will also include rotations in Maternity Hospital as well as in Patan Hospital.
Salient Features
The goal of MD Paediatric program is to prepare clinically competent, compassionate and academically sound human resource in paediatrics.
At the end of the course of study the candidate should be able to:
- manage independently healthcare of all paediatric and adolescent age groups.
- perform as well as facilitate relevant research activities in the field of child and
- adolescence health.
- plan, evaluate and implement promotional, preventive, and curative paediatric program for all health workers at institutional and community levels.
- Candidates should have MBBS or equivalent degree recognized by the Nepal Medical Council.
- Candidates should have minimum two years of work experience in Government, University or other similar recognized hospitals after temporary registration with Medical Council.
- Candidates should achieve minimum 50% marks in the written MCQ type entrance examination.
For selection of the candidates, 60% of the marking would be as per the markings of the written examination, and rest 40% would be given as followings:
- Expe6ence in remote areas as per the classification of Ministry (2 years x maximum number 10%): 20%
- PG diplomas from a recognized university in the concerned subject only (Diploma holder in one sheet can not apply in other subject): 5%.
- MBBS of equivalent (75%: 5; 60%: 4; :50: 3): 5%
- ISc Or equivalent or certificate in health sciences (60%: 5; 45%4; 45%: 3 ): 5%
- SLC equivalent (75%:5; 60%: 4; 45:3; 45%: 2): 5%