Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering

Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering

3 years

Colleges offering Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering under CTEVT

This 3 years Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering curricular programme is designed for producing skilled mechatronics personnel equipped with required knowledge, skills and attitude. Mechatronics, which is also called mechatronic engineering, is a multidisciplinary branch of engineering that focuses on the engineering of both electrical and mechanical systems, and also includes a combination of robotics, electronics, computer, telecommunications, systems, control, and product engineering.

This course of Mechatronics Engineering is based on the job required to perform by Mechanical, electrical and computer technician at different related industries and organizations in Nepal and abroad. The course aims at producing middle level technical human resource equipped with knowledge and skills related to the Mechanical as well as electrical Engineering and computer science.The graduates of Mechatronics Engineering have ample opportunities of employment and self employment in the field of Mechanical as well as Electronics related industries.

The course structure and the subject wise contents reflect the details of this curriculum. In short, this curriculum will guide its implementers to produce competent and highly employable middle level technical workforce in the field of Mechatronics Engineering.


The program aims to produce middle level technical personnel with sound academic knowledge equipped with perfect technical skills that can be faced in real life situation.

Program Objectives 

This curriculum has following objectives to:

  1. Produce middle level competent technical workforces who could serve Mechatronics works. Prepare the technicians who are capable for identifying and resolving faults in manufacturing and automated process plants.
  2. Interpret manufacturing programs used in different platforms of automation, robotics, and manufacturing plants.
  3. Serve local and foreign industries in operation, maintenance and supervision.
  4. Prepare technical workforce demonstrating positive attitude and respect for the profession and socio-cultural values.
  5. Create self-employment opportunities.

Curricular Structure

Rational of the Curriculum 

A mechatronics engineer unites the principles of mechanics, electronics, and computing to generate a simpler, more economical and reliable system. An industrial robot is a prime example of a mechatronics system; it includes aspects of electronics, mechanics, and computing to do its day-to-day jobs has become the need in the recent world of work. As technology advances over time, various subfields of engineering have succeeded in both adapting and multiplying. The intention of mechatronics is to produce a design solution that unifies each of these various subfields.

Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering program extends over three years. Each year is divided into two semesters. There are six semesters in total within the period of three years. The first year course focuses on foundational subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics applicable in the field of mechatronics engineering. It also includes languages like Nepali and English applicable for the communication in the same area. The second year course focuses on the basic disciplinary subjects of Mechatronics Engineering like Electronics Devices and Circuit I. Circuit Analysis and Prototyping, Microprocessor, Manufacturing Technology and so on.

Similarly, third year comprises of the disciplinary subjects like Advance Manufacturing Technology, Industrial Automation, Electronics Devices and Circuit II, Design of Mechatronics System, Industrial Management, Plant Maintenance, Estimation and Costing of Mechatronics System, Robotics and Auto Electronics. The third year courses emphasizes the application of learned skills and knowledge by making the provision of major and minor projects. As per the demand of the market, Specific areas of mechatronics like Micro Controller and PIC, Biomedical Instrumentation, New Product Development, Maintenance Concepts and Fault Finding have been suggested.

Modern production equipment consists of mechatronic modules that are integrated according to a control architecture. The most known architectures involve hierarchy, polyarchy, heterarchy, and hybrid. The methods for achieving a technical effect are described by control algorithms, which might or might not utilize formal methods in their design. Hybrid systems important to mechatronics include production systems, synergy drives, planetary exploration rovers, automotive subsystems such as anti-lock braking systems and spin-assist, and everyday equipment such as autofocus cameras, video, hard disks, and CD players.

Most of the international institutions and universities have currently offered Mechatronics course. Nepal is also advancing the technology over time, various subfields of engineering have succeeded in both adapting and multiplying. The intention of mechatronics is to produce a design solution that unifies each of these various subfields. Nepal is also adapting modern technology that unifies various subfield of engineering. However we don't have such multi-skilled human resources. To fulfil the gap of such multi-skilled human resources, this course is developed.