Entrance Exams
Hospitality industry lies under the travel and tourism industry. It is the largest industry in term of employment which is exemplified by the fact that one out of every eight human resources is engaged in this sector. The hospitality industry is diverse and it extends around the world. It has two specific segments: one segment accommodation properties, evolved from old-fashioned wayside inns into operations such as modern hotels, motels, resorts, lodges, cruise chips and similar establishments. In addition to rooms, these establishments often provide a full range of guest services, including food, beverages, convention services, meeting hall, and recreational facilities.
The other equally important part of the industry is catering service operations which range from fast food to restaurant, café, and industrial, institutional feeding operations, airline catering and similar operations that prepare and serve food and beverages products.
The diploma in hotel management course produces knowledgeable and skilled workforce for these establishments. It will also help in entrepreneur development.
This curriculum is designed with the purpose of producing middle level human resources equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes related to the field of hospitality industries so as to meet the demand of such workforce in the country and aboard which contribute in the national streamline of poverty reduction of our country, Nepal.
The diploma in hotel management program extends over three years. Each year is divided into two semesters. There are six semesters in total within the period of three years. The first year course includes both foundation and disciplinary subjects specially focus on room division as a core, theoretical, demonstration and practical; the second year course focuses on disciplinary and auxiliary subjects both theoretical and practical, room division and food & beverage as well. Similarly, the third year comprises of the disciplinary subjects and application of learned skills and knowledge in the internship setting.
To produce middle level human resources required for hotel and catering industry.
The objectives of Diploma in Hotel Management (DHM) program of CTEVT are :
- To apply the professional knowledge and skills in the respected fields of hotel and catering industry.
- To develop the positive attitudes towards the trade with greater initiative and self confidence in handling operations.
- To apply critical thinking for problem-solving, decision making during the service procedures.
- To understand organizational structure and function, and to be able to utilize this knowledge in various outlets of hotel and catering industry.
- To follow the quality standards set by the organization for quality assurance of the services offered to customers.
- To become a successful entrepreneur in a small size enterprise.
Salient Features
Pattern of attendance
Minimum of 80% attendance in each subject is required to appear in the respective final examination.
Teacher and student ratio
1. For theory: As per the nature of the course.
2. For practical/demonstration: 1:10
3. Minimum 75 % of the instructors must be full timer.
Qualification of teachers and instructors
- The teachers must be a master’s degree holder in the related area.
- The Instructors must be bachelor’s degree holder in the related area.
Teaching learning methodologies
The methods of teachings for this curricular program will be a combination of several approaches such as; illustrated lecture, tutorial, group discussion, demonstration, simulation, guided practice, practical experiences, fieldwork, internship, report writing, term paper presentation, tutoring, role-playing, heuristic and other independent learning.
- Theory: Lecture, discussion, assignment, interaction, seminar, group work.
- Practical: Demonstration, observation, guided practice, self-practice and case work
Grading system
The overall achievement of each student will be measured by a final aggregate percentage of all final semester examinations and graded as follow:Grading Overall Marks
- Distinction : 80 % & above
- First division : 65 % to < 80 %
- Second division : 50 % to <65 %
- Pass : 40 % to < 50 %
Certificate awarded
The Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training will award the certificate of "Diploma in Hotel Management" to those students who have successfully completed all the requirements as prescribed by the curriculum.
Secured at least grade C in C. Mathematics, C. English and C.Science in School leaving Certificate (SLC) examination from recognized academic institution.
Job Prospects
The graduates will be eligible for the position equivalent to non-gazetted 1st class/level 5 (technical) as cook, waiter, receptionist, room maid or as prescribed by the Public Service Commission of Nepal or the concerned authorities (hospitality industries) of the country. The graduate will be eligible for registration in related licensing organization or council of the country (if any).
Curricular Structure
Course Duration
The total duration of this curricular program is three years. Each year consists of two semesters of six months each. Moreover, one semester consist of 19.5 academic weeks including evaluation period. Actual teaching learning hours will be not less than 15 weeks in each semester. Sixth semester consists of internship in respective areas such as Food and Beverage Management or Accommodation Management or both of them of hotel and any catering organization and report submission on internship.