BE in Civil Engineering

BE in Civil Engineering

4 years
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Colleges offering BE Civil under Kathmandu University

Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works such as bridges, roads, canals, dams and buildings.

Civil engineering is the oldest engineering discipline after military engineering, and it was defined to distinguish non-military engineering from military engineering.

The duration of Bachelor of Civil Engineering course of Kathmandu University is four years with eight semesters, each of six months duration. The odd and even semesters start from August and February respectively.

Salient Features

Fee Structure for 2022

The table below displays the total amount that each student must pay for the entire duration of their BE in Civil Engineering studies for the 2022 batch.

Please note that the fees listed in the table do not cover expenses such as hostel accommodation, transportation, and end-of-semester or compartment exam fees. Students will need to pay separate fees for these additional services, as determined by the management of Kathmandu University (KU).


Course Fee

Nepali Student

8,50,000 (NRs Eight Lakhs Fifty Thousands Only)

Student From SAARC Nation

1.5 Times of Normal Fee i.e., NPR. 1,275,000

Students From OTHER Nation

2 Times of Normal Fee i.e., NPR. 1,700,000


The requirements to apply for the program are as follows: 

  • A minimum score of second division marks in 10+2, PCL, Diploma or equivalent in relevant discipline Or, 10+2 Science/12 Science/ISC Minimum D+ grade in each subject of grade 12 with a CGPA 1.6 or more


  • A minimum score of second division marks in 10+2, PCL, Diploma or equivalent in relevant discipline Or, 10+2 Science/12 Science/ISC

Application for admission to the program is generally invited in the beginning of July.

Candidates must appear in Kathmandu University Common Admission Test (KUCAT-CBT) and obtain the required threshold score in the test to be eligible for admission.

Admission will be offered on merit basis based on CBT score (rank) for both open and reserved (quota) seat categories. 

Job Prospects

Career Opportunities for Civil Engineering Graduates
  1. Hydropower industries
  2. Government Organizations
  3. NGOs/INGOs
  4. Academia
  5. Consulting firms
  6. Contractors
  7. Development Banking and Financial institution
  8. Research Centers

Why Civil Engineering with specialization in Hydropower Engineering

Infrastructure development is the backbone of any nation for economic prosperity. It should be financially viable, socially acceptable and ecologically sustainable. Civil engineering encompasses the important branches of engineering science to develop and maintain sustainable infrastructures covering a wide-range of specialized fields that address all the above mentioned issues. Hydropower engineering is the specialized yet versatile field of civil engineering that assimilates multi-disciplinary knowledge from all fields of science and technology. Nepal's present aspiration is to build hydropower projects for her economic development. The vision to install 10 GW in ten years is far reaching ambition that must be addressed from all levels of the society to realize it. It is, thus, vital to increase in-house capacity to plan, design, implement, operate and maintain hydropower plants of all scale. Realizing this fact, it is imperative for educational institutions like Kathmandu University to be proactive in producing quality human resources that can directly be involved in such projects and can lead nation achieving this goal.

Curricular Structure

First Semester

Code Subject Cr
MATH101 Calculus and Linear Algebra 3
ENGT101 English I 2
PHYS101 General Physics I 3
COMP103 Structure Programming Language 2
EEEG101 Basic Electrical Engineering 3
ENGG101 Engineering Project 2
EDRG101 Engineering Drawing 2
Total 20

Second Semester

Code Subject Cr
MATH104 Advance Calculus 3
ENGT102 English I 2
PHYS102 General Physics II 3
ENVE101 Introduction to Environmental Engineering 2
COMP116 Objected Oriented Programming 3
MEEG101 Basic Mechanical Engineering 2
ENGG102 Engineering Project II 2
EDRG102 Engineering Drawing II 2
ENGG103 Laboratory Work 1
Total 20

Third Semester

Code Subject Cr
MATH 205 Trigonometry & Analytical Geometry 3
MATH 207 Differential Equation & Complex variables 4
CIEG 201 Construction Materials 3
CIEG 202 Engineering Survey I 3
CIEG 203 Applied Mechanics 3
CIEG 204 Fluid Mechanics 3
CIEG 205 Engineering Project III 2
Total 21

Fourth Semester

Code Subject Cr
MCSC202 Numerical Methods 3
Math208 Statistics & Probability 3
CIEG206 Engineering Hydrology and sedimentology 3
CIEG207 Engineering Survey II 3
CIEG208 Strength of material 3
CIEG209 Engineering Geology 3
CIEG210 Engineering Project IV(Survey Camp) 2
Total 20

Fifth Semester

Code Subject Cr
MGTS301 Engineering Economics 3
CIEG301 Hydraulics and River Engineering 3
CIEG302 Remote Sensing & GIS 2
CIEG303 Soil & Rock Mechanics 3
CIEG304 Hydraulics Structure 3
CIEG305 Structural Analysis I 3
CIEG306 Estimating & Valuation 2
Total 19

Sixth Semester

Code Subject Cr
CIEG307 Engineering Project V (Hydropower Engineering I) 3
CIEG308 Structural Analysis II 3
CIEG309 Foundation Engineering 3
CIEG310 Reinforced concrete Structures Design 3
CIEG314 Hydraulic Machines 3
CIEG312 Electrical Power System Engineering 3
  Electives 3
CIEG313 Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering  
CIEG316 Bio Engineering  
CIEG311 Project Operation & Maintenance  
Total 21

Seventh Semester

Code Subject Cr
CIEG401 Transportation Engineering 3
CIEG402 Steel and Timber Structures 3
CIEG403 Construction Management 3
CIEG404 Environmental and Social Impact study 3
CIEG405 Entrepreneurship and Ethics 3
CIEG406 Hydropower Engineering II(Engg.VI) 3
  Electives 3
CIEG407 Irrigation Engineering  

Tunneling and Underground Structures

CIEG409 Building Construction  
Total 21

Eighth Semester

Code Subject Cr
CIEG449 Internship 3
CIEG499 Final Engineering Project 9
Total 12