BBA - Finance and Accountancy

BBA - Finance and Accountancy

4 years
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Colleges offering BBA-FA under Tribhuvan University

To study BBA at Tribhuvan University, students must pass the CMAT exam, and to get scholarships, you have to secure competitive marks. You can prepare for CMAT by enrolling yourself in CMAT Preparation class run by Edusanjal. 

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Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Accounting (BBA-FA) program is 4 years undergraduate degree in Business Administration. The course structure is designed to provide students with essential knowledge in the fields of Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Operations, Human Resource and other functional business areas. In this regard, an effort will be made to create awareness among students with respect to culture, environment and challenges of business organization through classroom lectures, assignment, project & presentations, case studies, industrial visits, special workshops, seminars etc. BBA-FA graduates are expected to develop the following skills after completing the undergraduate degree (BBA-FA):

  • Managerial Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Decision Making Skills
  • Entrepreneurial skills

BBA-FA Program’s Mission and Objectives:

Mission of LBC's Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Accounting (BBA-FA) Program is to develop socially responsible, creative, and result oriented management professionals to fill up the middle level managerial positions in the rapidly growing business sector in Nepal and abroad.

Specific Objectives of the BBA-FA Program:

  • Prepare students to take-up middle level managerial positions in any organization.
  • Develop students' skill in object-oriented business management capable of understanding and solving practical business problems creatively.
  • Provide professional management education with a blend of computer and management information system courses.
  • Prepare students to proceed onto postgraduate level study in business administration. 
  • Prepare students to identify the need of the society & help the society to fulfill the social needs.


The candidate applying for admission to the BBA-FA program must have:

  • Successfully completed a twelve-year schooling or its equivalent from any university, board or institution recognized by Tribhuvan University. 
  • Students who have passed 10+2 or equivalent examinations from recognized academic institute with second division (securing 45% and above) or 1.8 CGPA are eligible to enroll in this program and 
  • Complied with all the application procedure.

Admission Criteria


Eligible applicants are required to appear in the entrance test commonly known as LBC Management Admission Test (LBCMAT). The test will follow the international testing pattern and standards. It includes the areas like:

  • Verbal ability
  • Quantitative ability
  • Logical reasoning
  • General awareness

There shall be altogether one hundred (100) objective questions in the LBCMAT containing twenty (25) questions in each section with a total weight of 100 marks. Student must secure a minimum grade or percentage declared by the examination committee in the LBCMAT in order to qualify for the interview.


Applicants securing above cut off point marks in the LBCMAT will be short-listed. Only short listed candidates will be interviewed and selected for admission.

Curricular Structure


The general teaching pedagogy includes class lectures, group discussions, case studies, guest lectures, student presentations, role play, research work, project work (individual and group), assignments (theoretical and practical), and term papers. The teaching faculty will determine the choice of teaching pedagogy as per the need of the course. The concerned faculty shall develop a detailed course outline and work plan at the beginning of each semester and also recommends the basic text and other reference materials for effective teaching-learning of the course modules.


During the 7th semester, students shall be attached to organizations where they have to work for a period of eight weeks. Each student shall prepare an individual project report in the prescribed format based on his / her work in the respective organization assigned to him/her. Evaluation of the internship shall be based on the confidential report by the organization, project report, and presentation of the report. The report must be submitted before the end of the seventh semester. Students must secure a minimum grade of "B" or 60-69.9% in the internship. The internship carries a weight equivalent to 3 credit hours.


Students shall have to write an Under Graduate Research Project Report (URPR) in the 8th semester. It carries six credits of 200 marks. It starts from the beginning of the eighth semester and shall have to be completed within 90 days immediately after the completion of the 8th-semester-end examination.

Semester I
Course Code Course Title Credits
ENG 201 English I 3
MTH 201 Mathematics for Management I 3
MGT 201 Principles of Management 3
ACC 201 Financial Accounting I 3
ITC 201 Information Technology for Management 3
Total   15
Semester II
Course Code Course Title Credits
ENG 202 English II 3
MTH 202 Mathematics for Management II 3
ECO 201 Micro Economics 3
ACC 202 Financial Accounting II 3
MGT 202 Fundamentals of Marketing 3
Total   15
Semester III
Course Code Course Title Credits
ECO 202 Macro Economics 3
STT 201 Business Statistics 3
FIN 201 Introduction to Finance 3
MGT 203 Organizational Behavior 3
PSY 201 Foundation of Psychology 3
Total   15
Semester IV
Course Code Course Title Credits
SOC 201 Foundation of Sociology 3
FIN 202 Corporate Finance 3
MGT 204 Human Resource Management 3
ACC 203 Cost and Management Accounting 3
STT 202 Quantitative Techniques for Management 3
Total   15
Semester V
Course Code Course Title Credits
MGT 205 Business Research Methods 3
ENG 203 Business Communication 3
MGT 206 Business Environment in Nepal 3
MGT 207 Operations Management 3
MGT 208 Business Analytics 3
FIN 203 Financial Institutions and Markets (Specialization) 3
ACC 204 Foundation of Bank Accounting (Specialization) 3
Total   21
Semester VI
Course Code Course Title Credits
MGT 209 Commercial Law 3
MGT 210 Management Information System 3
FIN 204 Investment Analysis (Specialization) 3
ACC 205 Contemporary Accounting (Specialization) 3
FIN 205 Micro Finance (Specialization) 3
ACC 206 Taxation (Specialization) 3
MGT 211 Society and Business Ethics 3
----- Elective I 3
Total   24
Semester VII
Course Code Course Title Credits
MGT 212 Foundation of International Business 3
FIN 206 Financial Derivatives (Specialization) 3
ACC 207 Auditing (Specialization) 3
INT 301 Internship 3
----- Elective II 3
Total   15
Semester VIII
Course Code Course Title Credits
ITC 202 e-Commerce 3
MGT 213 Strategic Management 3
MGT 214 Bank Management 3
FIN 207 Treasury Management (Specialization) 3
ACC 208 Computer-Based Financial Accounting (Specialization) 3
PRJ 403 Undergraduate Research Project Report 6
Total   21