Sankalpa College, Established in 2023 in Banepa 10, Janagal, Kavre, is dedicated to providing top-notch education to aspiring IT and hospitality professionals and company entrepreneurs. In the districts of Kavrepalchok and Bhaktapur, it is the first BHM program given by TU at the Bachelor's level, and it sets the bar high. The focus in college is on developing a solid foundation in IT and HM, which is achieved through comprehensive curricula that expertly blend theory and practice. To better prepare students for the always-changing IT and HM worlds, colleges place an emphasis on practical training, internships, and industry partnerships. Technical knowledge, leadership skills, and moral judgment are heavily emphasized in college to produce skilled professionals and conscientious global citizens. College offerings include Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM) and Bachelor of Information Management (BIM) programs from Tribhuvan University.