Pokhara Multiple Campus

Pokhara Multiple Campus

Nayabazar, Pokhara, Kaski

Situated at the heart of Pokhara, Pokhara Multiple Campus (PMC) was established by a group of far-sighted educationists, entrepreneurs, social workers, and locals in 2044 BS with a mission of providing quality education to its students who were seeking applied education in an international standard. The other reason to establish this college was to offer options for the students who were deprived of being enrolled in the (then) one and only Prithivi Narayan Campus due to the limited places.

Primarily, the initiators named the campus as Pokhara Multiple Campus, then formed the first management committee and started running Bachelor Level inside the premise of Mahendra Secondary School Building, Nayabazar, Pokhara to stretch its horizon.

Now, PMC has not only been successful to make its presence significantly in the academic arena but also achieved enormous popularity among parents and students. 

It was possible because of the selfless dedication and hard work of faculty members, administrative staff, management committee, and disciplined students. 

Moreover, its prime location and quality education it offers have encouraged students to join the college to make their dreams come true. You are also invited to be a part of the college and dig your dream in an environment which every dreams of. 


  • Providing quality education at a reasonable fee.
  • Making bachelor graduates efficient, competent, and confident to compete with the global workforce in the field of management and social science.
  • Developing positive attitude, moral values, and practical skills in the students.


Pokhara Multiple Campus is located in Nayabazar, Pokhara. It is a community campus affiliated with Tribhuvan University. It offers a BA and BBS programs.

Salient Features

Library Facility: 

The campus has well-organized library with text books, reference books, newspapers, magazines and Journals. It also has a well-furnished high speed Internet lab next to the library. Students can surf internet and consult issues with the teachers whenever required. Moreover, books and other study materials are issued to the students for home studies. The campus also offers sports ground.

Extra Activities: 

Realizing the fact that only the bookish knowledge is not sufficient for students, the campus organizes various timely co/extra curricular activities such as student’s exposure, study tours, practical visits, weekly/monthly/yearly academic and sports based competitions in order to excavate the real talent of the students.

Students Welfare Association :

With the objective of maintaining favorable educational environment in the campus, this association is operational and has been actively working to organize different extra-curricular activities to help creative and talented students find proper dais to expose their latency publicly.

Prativa Prasoon Committee :

This committee is especially formed to conduct extra activities of the students in the area of literature, Music, Dance and Games.

Youth Red-Cross Circle: 

This circle under the patronage of Campus Chief is a part of Nepal Red-Cross Society, Kaski. Every Student is eligible to take part in the activities conducted by the circle.


There are various scholarships for the bright and deserving students with a poor economic backdrop and socially marginalized.

  • Laxmi Group Scholarship (Only for BBS Year Topper)
  • UGC Scholarship (Only for girls)
  • Scholarship to the differently-able students
  • Paschimanchal Auto Mobile Dealers Association (Min Akchhaya Kosh Scholarship)
  • Ganesh Gurung Scholarship (Only for BA Year Topper)
  • Bidhya Rana Scholarship
  • Dhani Ram Baral Scholarship. (Only for BA English Topper)
  • Ruk Kumari Gurung Scholarship. (Only for girls)


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