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The Bachelor of Business Administration is a three-year graduate degree that combines the study of different sectors of management that is especially designed to make our students gain a thorough insight into the real business world. Affiliated with the University of Northampton, the three years help the students to gain in-depth knowledge in all the important sectors of the management streams.

During the first year, we lay a foundation for the students so that they are able to construct their dissertation in their final year in the area that captivates them and in which they can perform to their caliber. The students are to perform their assignments and (Examination With Others) EWO exam on the basis of which, they are assessed and graded. Students need to have a minimum of 80 percent attendance to qualify for the EWO exam and submit their assignments.

Both NAMI and the University of Northampton take the attendance of the students very seriously and issue a Not Qualified(NQ) status to the students if they don't that captivates them in seminars and classroom activities. Upon successful completion of the program, aspirants can find a pool of career avenues in content to the business world.

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