College of Natural Resource and Management-Tikapur

College of Natural Resource and Management-Tikapur

Tikapur, Kailali


College of Natural Resource Management, Tikapur, Kailali (CNRM) is the newly established constituent college of Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) under Faculty of Agriculture (FOA), Rampur, Chitwan. The CNRM was approved by the special Senate meeting of AFU was held on 18th April 2017 in the chair presided by Rt. Hon. Prime Minister and Chancellor Mr. Puspa Kamal Dahal of AFU as Constituent College.

The college is situated in Tikapur, which is the renowned in the country for a well-planned specious city. This city is located in Kailali district of Province No. 7 and it is 620 km away in the west from the Union Capital Kathmandu, 14 km in south from national highway Mahendra Rajmarg and 14 km north from India. It is surrounded by Karnali River in East, Janaki Rural Municipality in North, India in South and Bhajani Municipality in West. Approx. 122.12 land range comes under the Tikapur Municipality. As per the Census (2011 A.D) total population 76,114 (36,245 Male and 39,869 Female) residing in this city. The climate is normal during spring, hot during summer and cold during winter season.

The total students are 52 including 10 girls.  Currently, College of Natural Resource Management, Tikapur, Kailali (CNRM) is running under the premises of Birendra Bidya Mandir Multiple Campus (BMC), Tikapur, Kailali. The Total spaces of 4 rooms are contributed by this BMC where office, laboratory, classroom and library facilities are accommodating.

Currently, college is in establishment phase facing many constraints in terms of financial, physical and human resources. At this stage support in any form by any of the local, national and international organisation will be highly commendable.

Salient Features

Infrastructures Facilities:

Currently, the college is running under the premises of Birendra Bidya Mandir Multiple Campus (BMC), Tikapur, Kailali. The Total spaces of 4 rooms are contributed by this BMC where CNRM Tikapur is accommodating with office, laboratory, classroom and library facilities. The first step of the construction related task of CNRM building has already been started through the bidding of the hiring a consultant for a feasibility study and formulating CNRM physical infrastructure plans. This plan is ought to be implemented and completed within the four years duration. The existing temporary arrangement will be shifted immediately after completion of construction of CNRM academic, lab, library and administration blocks.

Land Resources:

The AFU branch college of CNRM, Tikapur, Kailali was established with the help of “ Krishi College Sthapanartha Sahyog Samiti Tikapur, Kailali”. In the beginning, 10 bigha lands have already been contributed by the Nagar Bikash Samiti through Birendra Bidya Mandir Higher Secondary School Trust, Tikapur, Kailali. At present, this land has already been occupied and utilized for the purpose of outdoor laboratories like agronomy and horticulture farm. The panoramic view of the land possessions are shown through the photographs.


Rampur Campus
Rampur Campus
  • Rampur, Bharatpur, Chitwan
Kailali Multiple Campus
Kailali Multiple Campus
  • Dhangadi, Dhangadhi, Kailali