Technical Vocational Education in Nepal

Luna Gurung

March 17, 2020
Last updated July 15, 2021
A-Levels 2025

The vocational education is technical skill training that is available for skill enhancement and to impart technical education. The courses are available in order to reduce poverty by increasing productivity and producing skilled human resources.     

The Ministry of Education as well as Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) offers and facilitates the vocational training at Community Schools and Training Institutes in all provinces within Nepal. The vocational courses are useful for employment opportunities. The knowledge gained from vocational education is based on practical implication. The curriculum for the vocational education are: 

  1. Diploma/PCL 

  2. TSLC

  3. Short-Term  

The vocational education provides hands on training on various subject matters. Training programs in Health, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Hospitality Manufacturing etc are basically based on certification as well as for basic working skill. Since, vocational training is provided at the local level through the community schools all over Nepal.

Diploma/PCL : 

Diploma or Proficiency Certificate Level is generally conducted for 3 years and can be attempted by students who have completed 8th grade- 10th grade. CTEVT provides courses on various subject areas which are listed as below:

Diploma in Agriculture (Plant Science/Animal Science)

Diploma in Engineering

Diploma in Health

Diploma in Nursing

Diploma in Pharmacy

Diploma in Forestry

Diploma in Hotel Management

TSLC :   

Technical School Leaving Certificate (TSLC) courses are conducted for the students who have passed SEE/SLC and are conducted for 18 months. The course prepares students as technical human resource who have the ability to perform jobs. The course is provided in Agriculture(Plant/Animal), Engineering, Health/Nursing, Hospitality/Tourism etc. 

For Example: 

TSLC in Agriculture

TSLC in Engineering

TSLC in Health/Nursing

Short-Term : 

Short-term courses are conducted for certain time and duration. These courses are given to the manpower who are eager to get employment or gain skills to establish a business in their own community. The courses are provided for 2-3 month based on various skill sets including Health/Nursing, Hospitality, Agriculture(Plant/Animal), Engineering etc. 


Course Duration

Assistant Coffee Technician

460 Hrs

Assistant Florist

390 Hrs

Barista Training

Bartending Training

2 mth

Boiler Operator Training

3 mth


3 mth

Certificate in Cooking

Certificate in Housekeeping

Certificate in Front Office Management

Certificate in Waiter/Waitress

Community Agriculture Assistant

3 mth

Community LiveStock Assistant

3 mth

Computer Operator

3 mth

Culinary Training

9 mth

Dairy Product/ Sweet Maker


Dental Assistant

3 month

Dental Laboratory Mechanic

3 month

Fashion Designer

3 month

Flower Decorator/ Florist

3 month

Food and Beverage Services

Fruit Processor

3 month

Garden Designer

Geo-Engineering Assistant

3 month

Herbal Farm Worker

3 month

Library Assistant

3 month

Montessori Teacher

3 month

Motorcycle Mechanic

3 month

Off Season Vegetable Producer

3 month

Physical Rehabilitation Assistant

3 month


Psychosocial Counselor

6 month

Shuttering Carpenter

3 month

Trekking Guide

2 month



Wooden Handicraft Maker

3 month

Click on the link for list of Colleges providing CTEVT courses:  

Colleges affiliated to Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training
