Education in Nepal [Infographics]

September 27, 2021
Last updated December 06, 2021

An infographic representation of education data of the year 2019 AD.

Student enrollment details

The number of students enrolled in basic level (1-5) grade is almost double the number that enrolled in basic level (6-8) grade. The number further decreases by almost 45% for the secondary level (9-10) and almost 50% for the secondary level (11-12). The enrolment can be seen regressing with maximum enrolments in basic level and only a few hundred in advanced PGD level. Similarly, the gender distribution for Basic and secondary and undergraduate (Bachelor’s) levels appears to be balanced whereas, at the Master’s level number of male students are higher by 8%; in MPhil and PhD levels only 16% and 17% (the numbers are rounded off to the nearest percent) of the students are female. At the PGD level, the difference is only 5%.

Foreign education applicant details

As per the department of Foreign Education, MoEST, 323,972 Nepali students are currently studying abroad. That makes up 2.16% of the total student population of the country. 

Among the students who applied for NOC at the Abroad Study Permission Section of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, 57.42% applied for Australia. After Australia, Japan comes up as the most favored destination among Nepali students vying for foreign education. India and China stand as 4th and 5th most favored countries respectively. Altogether Nepali Students have applied for 69 different countries this year as per Nepali Times.

The ratio of educational institutes to students in Nepal

The data represents the total number of students per academic institution if the students are equally distributed among the academic institutions.

The above data presents the school/colleges to student ratio. According to the findings the ratio of students per school for Early Childhood Educational Development or Pre- Primary level is 27.05. For basic, to secondary level, the ratio is 205.80. For Bachelor's level, there are 302.37 students per college whereas for Master's level the number of students is almost half as that of the Bachelor's level. The ratio stands at 144.90. Similarly, there are 6 institutions that facilitate MPhil level students and 14 that facilitate PhD level students. The campus-to-student ratio for the two stands at 179.17 and 144.21 respectively. Finally, for PGD level students there are a total of 7 institutions facilitating PGD studies and a total of 224 students enrolled in the degree program, meaning there are 32 students per institution.

Province-wise gender distribution of students 


The distribution of students in all provinces appears mostly gender-balanced. Out of the seven provinces, Gandaki Province has the most gender-balanced population of students with 49.80% (67,238) female population and 50.20% (67,781) male population. Similarly, the most difference in the percent of male and female students can be seen in province no.2, Where there is 53.47% (87,034) male population and 46.53% (75,737) female population.

Province-wise gender distribution of teachers (Schools)

The representation of male and female teachers in schools of all the provinces has been shown in the figure above. The Figure shows except for Bagmati Province, the number of male teachers in every province exceeds that of the female teachers. In province no. 1, there are 28,189 male teachers and 19,563 female teachers. In province no.2, there are 18,108 male teachers compared to the one-third number of female teachers, which is 6702. Similarly, in Gandaki Province, there are 17,103 male teachers and 16,239 female teachers. Likewise, in Lumbini Province, the number of male teachers exceeds the number of female teachers by 6,453. In Karnali Province, the number of male teachers stands at 10,568, whereas, the number of female teachers stands at 10,568. The number of male teachers in Far Western Province exceeds that of the female teachers by 9,916. In Bagmati province, however, there are more female teachers (33,925) than male teachers (26,479).

Teacher to student ratio (Schools)

The data represents the total number of students per teacher if the students are equally distributed among the academic institutions.

The data above presents teacher to student ratio of basic and secondary levels. The data reveals that the ratio of student to teacher in Basic (1-5) level is 18.79 and in Basic (6-8) level is 33.74. Similarly, there are 23.79 students per one teacher in Secondary (9-10) and 34.12 students per one teacher in Secondary (11-12) level.

The above data presents universities/educational institutes to student ratio. As per the data, the ratio of students per teacher at the Mid-West University is 25.32. At Far-Western University, the ratio is 27.85. At Pokhara University, there are 371.98 students per teacher whereas, at Pokhara University, there are 229.63 students per teacher. Similarly, at TU the ratio of the total number of students enrolled stands at 3,35,543 and the number of teachers stands at 7,592. It is the University with the largest numbers of both teachers as well as students. Kathmandu University has 252 teachers for 18,356 students and National Open University has 49 teachers for 955 students. Rajarshi Janak University has the lowest ratio of students per teacher, which is 5.1 whereas, National Sanskrit University stands close with 7.74. Lumbini Buddhist University has 23 teachers for 695 students.

University wise enrollment details

There are a total of 441,789 students are enrolled in the eleven Universities and five autonomous health academies of the country. More than 75% of these students are enrolled in Tribhuvan University. Besides TU, Pokhara University has the highest number of enrollments. 6.91% of the total students are enrolled at PoKU, a total of 30,542 students. Chronologically, Purbanchal University hosts a total of 27,527 students; Kathmandu University has 18,356 students enrolled; Far Western University has 10,113 students enrolled; Mid-Western University has 7,343 students enrolled; Agriculture and Forestry University hosts 3,871 students; Nepal Sanskrit University has 3,749 students enrolled; Nepal Open University has 955 students enrolled, and Lumbini Buddhist University and Rajarshi Janak University have 675 and 153 students enrolled respectively. Of the five autonomous health academies, B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences hosts the most number of students, a total of 1,528. Similarly, Patan Academy of Health Sciences hosts a total of 931 students, National Academy of Health Sciences has a total of 447 students enrolled, Karnali Academy of Health Sciences has a total of 56 students enrolled, and Rapti Academy of Health Sciences has no enrollments yet.

Students per faculty

The diagram above represents the faculty-wise distribution of students. As per the data, almost half of the students (46.37%) enrolled in higher education degrees are studying Management. A total of 204,855 students are enrolled in the Management faculty. Similarly, 75,957 students are enrolled in Education followed by 48,433 students in Humanities and Social Sciences. Likewise, The number of students enrolled in Science and Technology stands at 37,026 followed by 29,018 students in Engineering and 28,251 in Medicine. Faculty of Law has 9,857 enrolments whereas, Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Sciences, and Fisheries have 4,433; 1892; and 1,111 students enrolled respectively. Besides these major faculties, there are 717 students enrolled in Sanskrit and 269 in Buddhism.

Youth literacy rate in Nepal

The chart above depicts province-wise literacy rates among the young population aged 15 to 24. Gandaki Province has the highest literacy rate of 95% among the youths followed by 93% in Bagmati and 91% in Province 1. Likewise, Lumbini and Sudurpaschim Provinces have an 85% literacy rate among the young population of 15 to 24 years followed by 82% in Karnali province. Province 2 has the lowest literacy rate of 63% among the same population.

Bachelors Portal