Kanchanjangha Polytechnic

Butwal, Rupandehi


Kanchanjangha Polytechnic is located at Butwal , Rupandehi. Affiliated to CTEVT, it offers TSLC in Entrepreneurship Development.

  • public Institution


Lumbini Technical Institute
Lumbini Technical Institute
  • Tillottama-2, Butwal, Rupandehi
Lumbini Institute of Technical Sciences
Lumbini Institute of Technical Sciences
  • Sukkhanagar-10, Butwal, RupandehiApprox 13200m away
Everest English Boarding Secondary School
Everest English Boarding Secondary School
  • Sukkhanagar, Butwal, RupandehiApprox 13200m away
Siddhartha Medical Institute
Siddhartha Medical Institute
  • Butwal, RupandehiApprox 13700m away
Korea Nepal Institute of Technology
Korea Nepal Institute of Technology
  • Tamnagar 14, Butwal, RupandehiApprox 14900m away