Kailali Polytechnic Institute

Uttar Behadi 04, Dhangadhi, Kailali


Kailali Polytechnic Institute is located in Uttar Behadi 04, Dhangadhi. It offers AMIN and Civil Sub overseer program with affiliation to CTEVT.


By the year 2015 KPI is established as a self sustaining lead Polytechnic Institute in Far West providing qualitative and  quantitative employment oriented long term and short term training courses


to raise the livelihood of the youths who have either left school level education or have SLC/+2 education through  providing appropriate and qualitative employment oriented technical education and Vocational training


  1. Provide qaulitatice and affordable diploma and TSLC level courses on construction and surveying trade.
  2. Provide market oriented Vocational Training to the Un-Employed youths belonging to disadvantage groups to generate self employment opportunities in the local areas


  • Established 2056 BS
  • private Institution
  • 091-522768


Future Line Technical Institute
Future Line Technical Institute
  • Kailali, Dhangadi, Dhangadhi, Kailali
Padma Hospital (Padma Nursing College)-Kailali
Padma Hospital (Padma Nursing College)-Kailali
  • Uttar Behadi, Attariya bazaar, Attariya, Dhangadhi, Kailali
Bhageshwor Academy for Health Science
Bhageshwor Academy for Health Science
  • Santoshi Tole-2, Dhangadhi, Kailali
Balmiki International School
Balmiki International School
  • Dhangadhi-5, Hasanapur, Dhangadhi, Kailali
Farwest Technical College
Farwest Technical College
  • Nainadevi Road, Dhangadi, Dhangadhi, Kailali
Panchodaya Secondary School
Panchodaya Secondary School
  • Dhangadhi, Kailali
Community Service Sasthan Dhangdhi
Community Service Sasthan Dhangdhi
  • Dhangadhi, Kailali, Dhangadhi, Kailali