Evergreen Technical Institute of Health Science

Birgunj-19, Birgunj, Parsa


Evergreen Technical Institute of Health Science is located in Birgunj-19 Parsa. It offers PCL in Nursing (Staff Nurse) and PCL in General Medicine (HA) program with affiliation from CTEVT.


To produce skilled, healthy manpower in the country to fulfill the mandatory commitment of Alma Ata declaration in 1978 and research for health policy advocacy, appropriate education and reform in Nepal.


Educating qualified Nepali women as professional nurses. Producing skilled nursing professionals for the delivery of essential health care to the country through preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative aspect of heath promotion.


  • To fulfill the vacant position in various primary health care center under the health policy of Nepal Government.
  • To fulfill the growing needs of its category health manpower as rapidly emerging medical hospitals, primary health centers, health-related Gos, NGOs, Nursing homes, health clubs etc.
  • To provide essential health care as per the developed technologies.

  • Established 2067 BS
  • private Institution
  • 051-411074, 051-525214


Birgunj Institute of Technology
Birgunj Institute of Technology
  • Birgunj, ParsaApprox 2300m away
Gautam Secondary School
Gautam Secondary School
  • Shripur, 14, Shripur, ParsaApprox 2700m away
Southzone Secondary School
Southzone Secondary School
  • Birgunj, ParsaApprox 3000m away
National Infotech Secondary School
National Infotech Secondary School
  • Birgunj, ParsaApprox 3800m away
Angel International Boarding School
Angel International Boarding School
  • Panitanki-10, Birgunj, ParsaApprox 3800m away