Bhageshwor Academy for Health Science

Santoshi Tole-2, Dhangadhi, Kailali


Bhageswor Academy for Health Sciences (BAHS), Dhangadhi, Kailali was established in 2002. It envisages a society where every individual is physically, mentally and socially fit for shouldering the process of nation building and social change through innovative and practical education in health sector. It is an appropriate and professional institution to develop mid-level health workers in Far Western Region of Nepal. It is managed by an Executive Board consisting members having vast experiences in the field of organizational management and in different walks of life.

BAHS is affiliated to CTEVT and registered in the company registrar's office under the company act with Reg. No. 18603/058/059. BAHS has now completed its five years of existence and with lots of achievements and experiences, now it has got its stride.

BAHS believes in quality education for social transformation towards development. It is guided by the philosophy of developing competent, well-skilled and energetic mid-level human resources for health and hence meeting the health requirement of the country.

The collage has adopted a holistic view for the qualitative transformation of our technical education system to meet the growing health challenges of the 21st Century in a competitive manner. BAHS, with the notion of openness, information sharing, transparency, and social accountability, has now achieved its own pace towards its vision of social development.

  • Established 2059 BS
  • private Institution
  • 091-522033, 091-520313


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  • Dhangadhi, Kailali, Dhangadhi, Kailali