Arghakhanchi Technical Training School

Arghakhanchi Technical Training School

Sandhikharka, Sandhikharka, Arghakhanchi


Arghakhanchi Technical Training School (ATTS ) was established in 2052 B.S. by a team of people dedicated towards social change through technical education & vocational training. Arghakhanchi Technical Training School is located in Sandhikharka of Arghakhanchi district. It offers TSLC in Community Medicine Assistant and Veterinary JTA under the affilaition of CTEVT.

This group of like minded people put on an immense effort of producing skilled manpower in the field of human health, engineering & agriculture. As seen from that point to now, we have trained & educated over 1000, students in past 19 years. We have seen youths learn, develop and work for society in a dedicated & devoted manner pushing them to pinnacle of success & that’s the moment where we feel proud of our effort.

In 2052 B. S. the School had started our journey from CMA (2 years), and after three years VJTA program was added to the list.

Mission, Vision & Objectives


“To produce skillful human power in health, engineering, education, home science and agriculture sector.”


“Provide invaluable resources and innovative opportunities of training, employment and enterprise development.”


  1. To produce trained and skilled workforce required for the community on health, engineering, education, home science and agriculture sector.
  2. To conduct short-term and long term training programs.
  3. To provide consultancy and carryout survey & research for the development of health, engineering, education, home science and agriculture sector.
  4. To establish self as responsible and vital stakeholder in technical and vocational training field

  • Established 2052 B.S.
  • private Institution
  • 077-470194


Arghakhanchi Secondary School
Arghakhanchi Secondary School
  • Sandhikharka, ArghakhanchiApprox 600m away
Krishna Secondary School Arghakhanchi
Krishna Secondary School Arghakhanchi
  • Aalamnagar, Maidan 6, Aalamnagar, ArghakhanchiApprox 6400m away
Bhagawati Secondary School Arghakhanchi
Bhagawati Secondary School Arghakhanchi
  • Sankhetari, ArghakhanchiApprox 6500m away
Shiva Madan Secondary School
Shiva Madan Secondary School
  • Anguri, Panini, Panini, ArghakhanchiApprox 6900m away
Mahendra Bidhyabodh Secondary School
Mahendra Bidhyabodh Secondary School
  • Balkot, ArghakhanchiApprox 7100m away