IGIDR-IDRC Post-Doctoral Fellowships for candidates from Select Asian Countries

Teaching Reinvented

IGIDR-IDRC Scholarships and Fellowships

Capacity Building in Inclusive Development with special focus on Labor Market and Industrial Policy

Asian Regional Initiative

Two Post-Doctoral Fellowships for candidates from Select Asian Countries

(August 2015 – July 2016 Academic Year)

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) is initiating a Capacity Building Program in Inclusive Development with special focus on Labor Market and Industrial Policy, starting from August 2015-July 2016 academic year, with funding from the International Development Research Center, Canada (IDRC). As part of this initiative, Post-Doctoral fellowships would be available for students who are citizens of the following Asian countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

This PDF program aims to encourage young researchers with Economics Ph.D. degree from select Asian countries, viz., Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam, to visit IGIDR for a period of 12 months (extendable to a maximum of another 12 months) to undertake Post-Doctoral research in any field within Economics, with a special focus on Labor Market and Industrial Policy.

Eligibility: The applicants, preferably within the age limit of 35 years, should be either fresh Ph.D. (within two years of successful submission of their dissertations) or junior faculty, who have submitted their Ph.D. dissertations or obtained Ph.D. degrees with an outstanding academic training and record in  the broad area of Economics, and particularly, Inclusive Development with speical emphasis on Labor Markets and Industrial Policy.

Application Requirements: Applicants are required to submit the following either by email to asianhub@igidr.ac.in with the subject line `Application for Asianhub PDF......................(name of the applicant)‘ or by Post (IGIDR-IDRC Asianhub PDF Fellowship Program, IGIDR, Film City Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai 400065, India with subject line `Application for Asianhub PDF..................(name of the applicant)‘) on or before April 30, 2015:

a. Complete curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, if applicable.

b. Synopsis of the applicant’s Ph.D. thesis. (If asked, the applicant should be prepared to send a copy of the thesis.)

c. Proposed plan of Post-doctoral work at IGIDR (not exceeding 3 pages).

d. One `Writing Sample’ which could be an article or a scholarly paper published/presented in academic journals/conferences or extracts from the applicant’s past academic work, if available, with evidence of applicant’s interest in labor markets and industrial policy.

e. Scan of the Passport with details such as photograph, passport number, place of issue, and validity

f. Two academic recommendations, including one from the applicant’s dissertation supervisor, which should comment on the applicant’s academic caliber, research

potential, and English proficiency, among other things, should be sent to asianhub@igidr.ac.in from the recommender’s official email id with the subject line `Reference for Asianhub PDF Applicant......................................(name of the applicant)‘.

g. Certificate from the applicant’s university registrar/head of the department that the applicant has either submitted the Ph.D. thesis or has been awarded the Ph.D. degree.

h. In case of junior faculty, applications should be routed through proper channel.

Terms and Operational Procedures: The grantees will be expected to produce at least two working papers per year; they will also be expected to give at least two seminars at IGIDR each year based on the work done by them at IGIDR. IGIDR and the proposed IDRC Program must be mentioned prominently in any publication of articles, books and monographs directly derived from the postdoctoral research.

Selection Procedure: Selection will be based on a joint evaluation of the academic record, CV, letters of recommendation, the research proposal, writing sample, and possibly a skype interview. 

The selected candidates will be intimated by email as well as mail by June first week.

Fellowship: Selected scholars will be paid a fellowship of INR 50000 per month, One round trip travel expense up to a maximum of INR 50000, fixed medical coverage of INR 25000, book grant of INR 50000, Research grant of INR 100000, and conference travel support up to a maximum of INR 150000.