HCC Educational scholarship for orphan girls, 2017

Teaching Reinvented

Himalayan children ‘s Charities (HCC) is a US based NGO established with the mission of providing nurturing care, quality education ,and mentorship to orphaned and abandoned children in Nepal since 2000. HCC would like to call for applications for their higher educational scholarship, for orphan girls who are applying for Grade 11.

Requirements for applying

  • Has poor economic condition and self motivated to study.
  • Has good grade in SEE-3 GPA minimum or above.
  • Active participation in community activities.
  • Priority will be given to girls from public school.

Please submit: Completed application form, scanned copy of citizenship card, (If you have it), updated CV and recommendation letter from principal or teacher of the school at :

Contact @hccnepal .orgt .

For further information contact : 9808615369 ( Khil bahadur Thapa ,9851121511 (Dinesh Raj sapkota ). Download application form from HCC website:http://hccnepal.org