Fulbright Senior Scholar/Artist Program for Nepali Citizens

Teaching Reinvented


The Nepal Fulbright Commission (USEF/Nepal) announces the competition for the Nepali Fulbright Senior Scholar/Artist grants for the academic year 2013-14. Previously known as the Fulbright Post-Doctoral Research Program, this award will be extended to artists from the academic year 2013-14. Depending on the availability of funding, USEF/Nepal will provide grants to up to four Nepali scholars to conduct post-doctoral research at a U.S. university and/or Nepali artists to undertake an artistic project during the 2013-14 academic year for a period of six months.

The awards aim to provide an opportunity to collaborate with U.S. counterparts, forge links between local and U.S. academics and artists, build lasting ties between the two countries through their collaborations and share the experience and learning gained in the U.S. with local counterparts.

For post-doctoral research projects, the subject of the proposed research should relate directly to Nepal. Typewritten research proposals using the prescribed form will be accepted in any field. Applicants should have already established contact with and solicited expression of interest from the U.S. university where their research is to be conducted. Women and scholars residing/teaching outside the Kathmandu Valley are strongly encouraged to apply.

For artistic projects, the project should be based at a U.S. university, museum or other cultural institution. Typewritten project proposals using the prescribed form will be accepted from artists in music, theatre, writing, painting, design, or photography.


Applicants must present a fully-developed research or project proposal, three letters of reference, and the documentary evidence of the following:

  • a recognized doctoral degree (for post-doctoral researchers); recognized professional standing and substantial professional accomplishments (for artists);
  • a MINIMUM of three years post-doctoral professional experience in Nepal (for post-doctoral researchers); a MINIMUM of five years of experience in the area and at least three years continuous residence in Nepal prior to the grant application (for artists);
  • artists must submit a portfolio of work in electronic form (on a cd or pen drive);
  • Nepalese citizenship;
  • a certificate of good health; and
  • letter of invitation or appointment from a U.S. university (for post-doctoral researchers) or from a U.S. university, museum or other cultural institution (for artists).
  • For post-doctoral researchers, only those scholars who received their doctorate during the years 1998-2009 are eligible to apply.

Application Forms

Detailed instructions and application forms are available from the Commission website www.fulbrightnepal.org.np, or through email. If you would like to receive a copy through email after October 15, 2012, please send a blank email with the subject ‘Please send senior scholar and artist application’ to fulbcomm@fulbrightnepal.org.np No applications will be given out after 4 p.m., November 2, 2012. Duplicate hard copies of the complete application set must reach the Commission no later than 4 p.m., November 7, 2012.

Please click here to download the application form.