Secondary Level Science Subject Questions 2081: Teacher Service Commission


June 08, 2024
A-Levels 2025

The Government of Nepal, through the Teachers Service Commission, has conducted an open competitive examination for the position of Third-Class Teacher at the Secondary Level for the Science subject 2081. You can use this question as a guideline and modality of the questions. 

Teachers Service Commission Secondary Level Third Class Teacher Position Open Competitive Examination
Subject Examination-2081

Level: Secondary Level
Time: 3 hours
Full Marks: 100 Passing Marks: 40
Subject: Science

All questions are compulsory. Separate answer sheets must be used for each section, otherwise the answer sheets will be invalidated.

Group A

  1. State the "Law of reflection of light." Design activities to engage students while teaching total internal reflection of light. Also, mention any two significance of total internal reflection of light in our daily life. 2+6+2
  2. What is solar system? Design appropriate activities to clarify the concept of 'rotation' and 'revolution' of the Earth and the Moon by using locally available materials. Also, construct any two higher ability-level objectives for a teacher to teach this topic at the secondary level. 2+6+2
  3. Describe the preparation process of carbon dioxide gas in a laboratory with diagram. Write necessary reaction in the above experiment. Make a lesson plan to teach this topic under ABC model. 3+1+6
  4. Explain Mendel's law of heredity. How would you teach this topic by using student- centered method with appropriate activities? 5+5
  5. Analyze the present Grade X Science curriculum with reference to objectives, contents, teaching activities and assessment process. 2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5

    Group B

  6. What is simple harmonic motion? Explain the concept of forced oscillations, resonance and damped oscillations with appropriate examples. 2.5+7.5
  7. Differentiate between polarization and diffraction of light. Also, discuss the diffraction patterns of light by using a single slit method. 4+6
  8. What is metallurgy? Describe the process of silver extraction from its main ore with necessary reaction. Also, mention any two chemical properties of silver. 2+6+2
  9. Explain bio-geochemical cycles. Describe the energy flow diagram of the food chain and food web with suitable examples. 4+3+3
  10. Explain the structure and function of DNA. Explore the role of genetic engineering in modern biology. 5+5