First PhD Holders in Various Fields of Science from IOST, Tribhuvan University


July 06, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Did you know that Shiv Shanker Singh was the first person to earn a PhD in Science and Technology from Tribhuvan University? He was awarded his PhD in 1970 in Zoology, with a dissertation titled "Some Helminth Parasites of the Vertebrates from Kathmandu Valley," under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Devendra Prasad.

In this post, we are listing the names of Nepal's first PhD holders along with their subjects, dissertation topics, and supervisors.

Person Award Year Subject Supervisor
Shiv Shanker Singh 1970 Zoology

Prof. Dr.Devendra Prasad

S.N Suvani 1972 Math

Prof. Dr. R. C.Chaudhary

Binu Lohani 1975 Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Harish Chandra Mishra

Prayag Man Khwanju 1979 Botany

Prof. Dr. Amrit Raj Shakya

Kedar Nath Baral 1990 Physics

Prof. Dr. Kedar Lal Shrestha

Bharat Mani Pokharal 1997 Microbiology

Prof. Dr. Achyut Prasad Sharma

Pramod Kumar Thakur 2003 Geology

Prof. Dr. Prakash Chandra Adhikari

Lochan Prasad Devkota 2005 Hydrology and Meteorology

Prof. Dr. Bidur Prasad Upadhaya

Shambhu Prasad 2005 Statistics

Prof. Dr. Mrigendra Lal Singh

Dhan Bahadur Karki 2013 Food Technology

Prof. Dr. Ganga Prasad Kharel

Dil Kumar Hangsurung Limbu 2015 Environmental Science

Prof. Dr. Madan Koirala

Ranjan Koirala 2016 Biotechnology

Prof. Dr. Rajani Malla

Person and their PhD Topic  


Person Title
Shiv Shanker Singh Some Helminth Parasites of the Vertebrates from Kathmandu Valley.
S.N Suvani Some problems on Hydro-magnetic Boundary layer in the presence of Transverse Magnetic Field.
Binu Lohani Synthesis of Coordination Complex Inorganic Compound.
Prayag Man Khwanju Cylotaxonomical Studies on the Polypodiaceous feans of Bagmati Zone.
Kedar Nath Baral A study on the electrical behaviors of Kathmandu Thunderstorms.
Bharat Mani Pokharal Clonal analysis of haemophilus influenzae.
Pramod Kumar Thakur Geomorphological evolution and environmental assessment of the Arun River valley watershed, Eastern Nepal.
Lochan Prasad Devkota Climate variability over Nepal: observation, forecasting, model evaluation and impacts on agriculture and water resources.
Shambhu Prasad Models for estimating infant mortality rates for Nepal.
Dhan Bahadur Karki Improvement on Traditional Millet Fermentation Process and its Brewing Quality Assessment.
Dil Kumar Hangsurung Limbu Carbon Sequestration of High Altitude Himalayan Rangelands in Tinjure Milke Jaljale (TMJ) Area,Eastern Nepal.
Ranjan Koirala Molecular and probiotic characterization of Lactobacillus Spp. Isolated from Traditionally Prepared Curd (Dahi) at Different Geo-Climatic Conditions of Nepal.

Source: Research Regulation (2023); TU, Institute of Science & Technology (TU IOST) 
