Students who wantto pursue B. Arch degree must prepare themselves for an aptitude test in order toexamine the ability of studentto enter the course. B. Arch is a 5 year intensive course wherein commitment, perseverance and passion are indispensable. Unlike other engineering subjects, architecture is an amalgam of engineering and art, which makes this course unique. Students should be prepared to engage themselves for full 5 years and should know basics of architecture before taking an admission. Practice of an aptitude test is worldwide and Kathmandu University has adopted universally accepted modality of aptitude test.
Students who appear computer based test (CBT) and pass the entrance examination are eligible to give aptitude test. Pre-information to the department is must and one who fails to appear in aptitude test will not be admitted to B. Arch course. However, they can apply for other engineering subjects.
Evaluation Criteria:
Students will be evaluated based on their test performance. Though there won’t be any marking,the paper will be graded as ‘Pass’or ‘Fail.’Students who pass the aptitude test will be considered for admission and admission will be CBTmerit based.
This test will examine the interest and ability of the student to pursue architecture as their full time course. General knowledge ofart and architecture is required and they should be able to understand drawings. Students do not require to have profound knowledge in architecture however, the mild understanding of architecture and drawing is anticipated. The test will have 5 different questions covering 5 topics. The topics for aptitude test are;
1. Free Hand Sketching: In this part, students will be asked to draw a sketch freely using pen /pencil and colors. A situation will be given to draw, for example, imagine your bedroom during childhood, imagine you are standing at Lake Shore and it’s an evening time. Application ofcolor depends on student’s’ choice, however, such sketch should be in scale and proportion.
2. Geometrical Drawing: Students will be given shapes like cone, prism, cube, cylinder or the combination of such forms and will be asked to prepare top view, bottom view, side views and sections. Lines should be properly drawn and scale has to be maintained. For this, students shall study plan (aerial view), elevation (side or front views) of simple solid objects like cones, prisms, splayed surface holders, cylinders, cubes and combinations of such solids. They should know the geometric formation of such objects.
3. 3-Dimensional perception: Students should be able to perceiveand understand 3- Dimensional forms with building elements, volume color and orientation. They should be able to visualize through constituting objects in memory. For this, student will have to draw a given picture or form by looking at it. An object or a picture will be kept in front of them which they need to draw appropriately considering color, shape and orientation.
4. Architectural Awareness: Possessing sensible knowledge on architecture, students should be able to write on monuments, describe architectural aesthetics and world famous architects.They should have general awareness and interest of famous architectural creations – within the country and outside, places and architects/ designers etc. They may be asked for reason to join the architecture course and their expectations from this course. The answer to the question should be elaborative which can be supported with sketches.
5. Imagination and creativity: In this component,students will have to show their intelligence through imagination and creativity test. They will be asked to draw a form / object based on the description provided. For example, students may be asked to draw a foldable/ convertible bed which can me moved by a single person.
The above-mentioned 5 units are expected to cover the criteria for aptitude test. A sample question for an aptitude test has been provided for the reference.
Sample Questions:
Kathmandu University
School of Engineering
Aptitude Test Model Question for B. Arch Entrant Students
Time: 2 Hours
- Each Question carries equal marks (10 Marks)
- Read Questions carefully before answering.
- Students should answer all 5 questions and your answer should be based on your understanding and knowledge on a given topic. You are suggested to support your answers with sketches wherever necessary.
a. Imagine you are standing in front of RatoMacchindranath chariot and people are worshipping the chariot. Draw a freehand sketch of what you see and include the background.
b. Draw top and side views of the given object. Also
show the hidden lines, if any.
c. Draw the given object in an appropriate scale.
d. Describe one monument/ building you recently visited. What you liked the most about that monument/ building and elaborate its built.
e. Draw a futuristic Chautariwhere people are interacting with each other.