TU IOST Mandates Plagiarism Checks for All Affiliated Campuses

September 06, 2024
TU IOST Mandates Plagiarism Checks for All Affiliated Campuses
Teaching Reinvented

All the Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology Studies affiliated central departments/schools/campuses/colleges are hereby notified to make arrangements for compliance with Section 4 of 10 (2) of the Anti-Plagiarism Software Management and Operation Regulations 2080. Undergraduate (B.Sc, B.Sc. CSIT, BIT, B.Tech. Food Technology, B.Math. Actuarial Science, Bachelor in Data Science), Post Graduate (M.Sc., MIT, MDS) conducted under this institute, And it has been decided to make it mandatory to do plagiarism checking for Project Work/Field Report/Term Paper/Dissertation/Internship Report, etc. of academic levels.

The plagiarism checking software should be used in this way.

Setting Bachelor Level Masters' Level PhD
Similarity Intex <20% <20% <10%
Small Matches: Threshold 10 words 9 words 8 words
Exclude Quotes/Reference YES YES YES
Exclude Small Sources <1% NO NO
Exclude Abstract NO NO NO
Exclude Methods and Materials NO NO NO
Limit Searches to 
Crossref YES YES YES
Crossref Posted Content YES YES YES
Internet YES YES YES
ProQuest/Publication YES YES YES
Filter (self-plagiarism) Not Allowed Not Allowed Allowed for own/first-author articles
Where Applicable?
Level(s) B.Sc., B.Sc. CSIT, BIT, B.Tech. Food, B.Math., BDS M.Sc., MDS, MIT M.Phil/Ph.D., Post Doctorate IoST Publications
Document(s) Project Work, Field Report, Term Paper, Internship, etc Dissertation, Project Work, Term Paper, Field Report, Internship report, etc Thesis, Report, Manuscript of Articles (For Journals)

According to paragraph 3 of 7 of TU anti-plagiarism software management and operation regulation 2080, affiliated colleges shall use the iThenticate software provided by the Central Library for Plagiarism Checking.

View the official notice: