TU Institute of Medicine Announces Interview Schedule for Assistant Dean Selection

February 25, 2025
Last updated March 01, 2025
TU Institute of Medicine Announces Interview Schedule for Assistant Dean Selection

Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine (IOM)  has published the shortlist of the candidates who applied for the vacant position of Assistant Dean at the IOM. It also published  interview  schedule for the shortlisted candidates.

The shortlisted candidates are requested to appear for the interview on the specified date, time, and location.

S.N. Candidate Name (with Designation) Interview Date Time
1 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khem Bahadur Karki 2081/11/20 9:00 AM
2 Prof. Dr. Paleshwan Joshi Lakhe 2081/11/20 9:20 AM
3 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pawan Raj Chalise 2081/11/20 9:40 AM
4 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bishnu Prasad Chaulagain 2081/11/20 10:00 AM
5 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Santa Kumar Das 2081/11/20 10:20 AM

Note: Each candidate will have a 15-minute interview slot.

Location: Office of the Dean, Institute of Medicine (IOM), First Floor of the Mohago Building.

View the official notice below: