The State of Engineering Education in Nepal: Prof. Dr. Devraj Adhikari

August 26, 2024
Last updated August 27, 2024
The State of Engineering Education in Nepal: Prof. Dr. Devraj Adhikari
Teaching Reinvented

Is there any provision for engineering under the Nurturing Excellence in Higher Education Project (NEHEP)?

The commission has significantly invested in labs and research to prioritize engineering fields. It has been providing full scholarships to many students. The government, with special arrangements, has been producing 300 engineers annually. It covers all the expenses of the students it provides scholarships to, except for the agricultural engineering field.

There is a perception that there is a shortage of students in engineering in Nepal. Did any conclusions emerge from the research conducted by the commission to attract more students to engineering education?

The commission has provided grants for research. We have data on the number of students at each university. Universities have constituent and affiliated campuses, and their number has been increasing. The number of students has increased, but the number of campuses has not increased proportionately, which is why some colleges naturally have fewer students. However, it is not true that there are no students. Everyone who wants to study engineering have been given the opportunity to study at colleges.

There are also many subfields within engineering. Which field attracts the most students?

It depends on the field. After civil engineering, computer engineering attracts the most number of students. The attraction is based on need and demand, and students might choose civil engineering because it is in higher demand.

Has there been any manpower projection for the number of engineers required in Nepal?

There hasn't been any manpower projection yet. The commission should make that plan, but it hasn’t been done yet. Voices are being raised for manpower projection, but it hasn't happened.

Despite the government's significant investment in producing engineers, many students still go abroad for engineering studies. In the last fiscal year alone, 4,426 students went abroad to study engineering. Are there any programs planned to ensure that engineering education in Nepal is high quality?

The number of students going abroad to study engineering is lower than for language or management courses. Thus, there's no reason to panic about engineering. The education provided is of good quality. According to the council's results, many engineers who studied abroad have failed compared to students who studied in Nepal and passed. This also proves that engineering education in Nepal is of good quality.

Haven't you felt the need to promote the quality of engineering education in Nepal?

To make Nepal a destination for engineering education, universities need to step up and build trust among students, parents, and society. Universities must ensure that their colleges, teachers, and other management faculties are good. They should communicate to parents what benefits come with studying engineering at their institutions. Furthermore, universities must enroll students on time, conduct exams on time, and publish results promptly. The commission is holding discussions, interactions, and other programs to increase student enrollment in technical education. We have discussed quality enhancement programs with commission officials and university officials. The most important thing is that universities must implement an academic calendar.

Universities are currently saying they are facing problems and are insecure, aren't they?

This is normal. These incidents occur occasionally, and everything will be resolved in time. It should not affect the implementation of the academic calendar, and it won’t. Everyone must make a commitment to this.

Currently, there is still a shortage of students in some private colleges. The pass rate of engineers in council examinations is also low. In this scenario, the number of those who return to Nepal after obtaining higher education abroad is low. What will Nepal's engineering education look like in the next 10 years?

The pass rate of engineers from Nepal in council examinations is 50-60%, while only 15% of engineers from foreign universities pass. This statistic suggests that engineering education in Nepal is of good quality. However, efforts must still be made to enhance the quality. Higher education providers must strive to be more creative to make it even more qualitative. If this is done, the workforce produced in Nepal will be able to sustain and succeed in the global market. Coordination with some international educational institutions should be initiated.

Nepal faces a severe problem of brain drain. Shouldn't there be efforts to bring these people back to Nepal?

Many have obtained higher education abroad and are staying abroad. It's not easy to bring them back to Nepal. Until employment and opportunities matching their qualifications and capabilities are created, it is not easy to convince them to return.

How is the implementation of the 'Guideline for Harmonizing BE, B.Arch Entrance Examinations' issued by the commission on Jestha 18, 2079?

This guideline has already come into implementation. Universities are conducting entrance exams as per the guidelines. The NOC (No Objection Certificate) provided by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology's NOC branch will also be granted only to students who pass the entrance exams gradually.

What role does technology play in the development of higher education in Nepal? How is the commission preparing universities with the increasing development of technology?

The main thing is to increase investment in technology in higher education. We need to build tech-friendly classrooms and labs. We are making efforts to make higher educational institutions technology-friendly. Institutions have also been taking private initiatives. Institutions providing engineering education also need to revise old programs. Some universities have already started introducing AI in engineering education including Madan Bhandari University of Science and Technology. The changes happening in the world have already started to reflect in universities.

What role do universities and the commission play in bringing foreign students to Nepal?

First and foremost, we need to enhance the quality of our higher education. Some fields are good, like engineering and medical education. Some foreign students have already come to study in these fields. Other subjects also need quality enhancement. After that, it's still not easy. We need to promote that education in Nepal is of high quality. The government also needs to take initiatives. Visa, accommodation, and other procedures need to be made easier. Developed countries used to provide scholarships and attract students from around the world. They came. Similarly, we need to provide scholarships. Then, foreign students will come.

It is said that the existing investment is not sufficient. What should be done to enhance the quality of higher education?

There is enough budget. The existing budget has not been utilized fully. Community campuses have not been able to utilize the grants provided. For this, universities need to enhance quality. If economic activities are maintained in the country by using an academic calendar and proper management, students will not go abroad.

Do you want to give a message to students looking for a future in higher education in Nepal or those seeking a secure future abroad?

If quality degrees can be obtained in one's own country, one should stay here. Universities need to assure parents and students that they can provide quality education. Opportunities need to be created for students. An environment for students to study while working should be created. Students who go abroad to study will not return until they find opportunities here. If we can create that impact, students will definitely return. For example, Chinese students used to go abroad to study but returned after finding ample job opportunities in their own country. The same happened in India. If we can create that situation, students will definitely return.