Second thoughts on the courses you're taking

Nikita Tripathi

April 05, 2014
A-Levels 2025

Think about the time you’ll graduate from college and will have to look for a job; cater to the need of financial independence, of being an adult. Are the courses you’re taking now financially secure? If not, is it at least interesting enough so that you won’t end up regretting?

Seven students from different streams shared their insecurities, challenges they are facing in college, why they took up the courses, and about the road not taken. 

Akshyeta Amatya, 19, is studying Bachelor of Dental Surgery  at People’s Dental College ; Hemantika Palikhe, 18, is an BE architecture student at Kathmandu Engineering College ; Bindhya Shrestha, 22, is currently in her seventh semester of Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA  at Shanker Dev Campus ; and Shriya Shrestha, 19, is currently in her second semester of Bachelor of Civil Engineering  at Advanced College of Engineering and Management .

Similarly, Sambridh Ghimire, 18, is doing a five-year Bachelor in Law at National Law School, Bangalore; Sushant Kafle, 22, is studying Engineering at Pulchowk Engineering College ; and Dibesh Manandhar, 18, is a student at Apex College studying Bachelor of Computer Information System (BCIS) .

Why did you pick the course and how were the first few classes?

Bindhya: I was a science student in +2 and I wanted to study medicine initially. When that didn’t work out, I applied for a BBA course because my father got me an admission form. The first few days of classes were intolerable but now that I’ve completed six semesters, I realized that had I taken up M.B.B.S. or Engineering, I wouldn’t have been able to sustain myself surrounded by books.

Akshyeta: I wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember. I was weak in Physics, so engineering wasn’t an option. The tentative plan was to study M.B.B.S. but I looked around and realized that dentistry is common in my family, so I gave it a go.

Hemantika: I was interested in drawing and painting since childhood. My parents encouraged me by sending me to art and crafts classes. So when the time came to decide what I should study, my parents suggested that I take up architecture to hone my artistic skills alongside engineering. The classes are interesting and I get to use my creativity and imagination, but the second semester has been stressful.

Shriya: I was planning on studying M.B.B.S but my interest was architecture. My major in +2 was Physics, so I thought about Civil Engineering. The fieldworks are hectic and I can’t deal with it.

Sambridh: I took up law because it has scope and it was a safe option for somebody from an Arts background. I was disappointed after the first few classes; I thought law was more practical and less theoretical. It’s a five-year course, and to complete it within five years is deemed highly. Whoever does that is considered intelligent because most students take even six to seven years to complete.

Sushant: I hadn’t planned on what I would study. I went for preparation classes with friends after my +2 and sat through a session on Engineering. The man kept talking about professionalism and how engineering is a subject of creativity and problem-solving tactics. The teachers and the classes aren’t helpful, and I think subject matters aren’t concrete enough.

Dibesh: I’m interested in computer programming. I wanted to study photography but there are no photography schools here, so I went ahead with the backup plan.

If given a chance, would you change your stream?

Bindhya: I think profession should match personality. I find the subject matter too easy, it doesn’t challenge me but I’m fascinated by the idea of business management. I probably wouldn’t.

Akshyeta: I’m not good at writing, drawing or any other artsy stuff. I’m doing what I’m good at, so it’s a no!

Hemantika: I don’t have a business mind, I did think about taking up Fine Arts or studying animation in India but architecture isn’t bad.

Sambridh: Not the course but I’d probably change my college.

What’s the best thing about your course?

Hemantika: I like the concept of green architecture, delving into eco friendly infrastructure. I feel that I can make a difference. We get to design and make models using 2D elevation plans. When I watched Inception, I was overwhelmed with the scope of architecture.

Bindhya: The fieldwork and interesting subjects like critical thinking and decision-making, strategy management and options of Marketing, Finance and Industrial Management in the seventh semester.

Akshyeta: We get to make dentures by molding wax, polymer and monomer casts. My teacher says, “To be a dentist, you got to have a lion’s heart and lady’s fingers.” We get to use our creativity apart from studying anatomy and mugging up the theory portion.

Sambridh: In law, sometimes you have to prove right things wrong and vice versa. It’s challenging to come up with arguments, and at the end of the day I learn what’s right and what’s wrong.

Sushant: Computer Engineering is my interest and I feel that I have a virtual power I can use to create computer games which is another one of my interests.

What challenges do you see in your professional areas?

Bindhya: Business environment is dynamic and we have to build scenarios and strategies to sustain. My plan is to go for MBA after completing my Bachelor’s degree.

Sushant: Computer Engineering has a lot of scope in the sense that there’s so much to be done. I want to go abroad for graduation program first.

Hemantika: I’m enjoying playing with lighting and spaces for now. I haven’t planned on anything.

Akshyeta: There are limited seats for Masters in Dental Surgery (MDS) and it’s competitive. I want to complete my MDS even though there’s less opportunity.

Shriya: I’ve heard that civil engineers aren’t paid well, so I’m planning to switch to Masters in Business Administration after my undergrads.

Sambridh: To study Liberal Arts and Law is a big challenge in itself. After the completion of the five-year course, I’ll probably sit for my Bar exam and get my license for practice. I’m also planning to go to the States for LLM Program.

Dibesh: I think I’ll work as a system analyst in the future. There are other scopes in this field as well.

(Source: This article was published in GenNext column of Republica National daily)
