10 Nepali Students Head to UK for Coventry University Immersion 2023

June 06, 2023
10 Nepali Students Head to UK for Coventry University Immersion 2023
Sr. Content Writer

Softwarica College of IT and E-commerce is dedicated to offering students a diverse educational journey. In partnership with Coventry University, the college provides programs like BSc (Hons) Computing, BSc (Hons) in Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity, and MSc in Data Science and Computational Intelligence. By embracing various approaches, Softwarica College ensures students receive exposure and holistic development opportunities. One such approach involves sending students annually to participate in the Coventry Immersion Programme.

The primary goal of this program is to give students practical and hands-on experience in UK education methods. They engage in a range of activities, including lectures, workshops, experience-sharing sessions, and group discussions. Upon their return, students are expected to utilize their newfound skills to enhance the learning environment in their institution. Mr. Pramod Poudel, the Campus Chief, emphasized that Softwarica College bears all expenses related to the visit, enabling students to completely immerse themselves in this enriching learning experience.

A chosen student conveyed her appreciation to the college for granting her this opportunity. She believes that her dedication, excellent academic performance, and loyalty to the college have been recognized and valued. Her aim is to come back from the trip with a revitalized sense of purpose and work together with proactive Softwarica students to implement efficient learning strategies, thereby enhancing the overall productivity of the learning experience for everyone involved.

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