
Kathmandu University Introduces New Master's Program in Writing and Literacy Studies (MWLS)

May 18, 2023
Last updated June 18, 2024
Kathmandu University Introduces New Master's Program in Writing and Literacy Studies (MWLS)

Despite a decline in the overall student population in Nepali universities, Kathmandu University (KU) is actively introducing a range of new programs. In the current academic session, the Kathmandu University School of Education has recently initiated the Master of Indigenous Education and Development (MIED) program at the postgraduate level. The official announcement for the program was made on the 20th of Baisakh, shortly after the launch of LLM and MEIL classes, which took place a few days earlier.

KU, which is rapidly introducing new programs, has requested admission applications for another new program in the current academic session in the School of Education. KU has launched the Master in Writing and Literacy Studies (MWLS) program integrating several programs. This program has been launched by the Department of Language Education.

With the aim of cultivating proficient individuals in the field of writing and emphasizing the creation of well-trained professionals in literacy theory and practice, Hemraj Kafle, Deputy Head of the Department, announced the initiation of the MWLS program. This program adopts a comprehensive approach to education by incorporating various disciplines including the humanities, social sciences, management, and technology into the realm of writing and literacy methodologies.

KU holds the belief that the graduates of this program will acquire proficient skills and capabilities as writers and communicators, enhancing their professional growth. The curriculum is thoughtfully structured to equip students for potential employment opportunities in diverse sectors, including education, research, media, international relations, diplomacy, and public services.

The MWLS program spans over two years, encompassing a comprehensive curriculum of 54 credit hours. This includes core courses, specialization courses, professional courses, elective courses, and practical courses. Specifically, the core courses consist of two subjects, amounting to a total of 9 credit hours. The specialization courses comprise six subjects, totaling 18 credit hours. The professionalization courses encompass six subjects, accumulating 18 credit hours. Additionally, one elective subject is included, accounting for 3 credit hours, and finally, three practical courses complete the program.

The MWLS program incorporates various components such as internships, research projects, and dissertation writing. The university has developed this degree program in response to the scarcity of competent professionals in the field of writing and literacy within the job market.

The program offers specialized expertise in diverse forms of writing, including education, journalism, mass media, research, translation, content writing, and editing for publishing houses. Prospective students seeking admission to this program are required to have a minimum CGPA of 2.5 in any subject at the undergraduate level.

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