Kathmandu BernHardt College Granted QAA Certificate by UGC


March 08, 2020
Last updated June 18, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Kathmandu BernHardt College has been granted Quality, Assurance and Accreditation certificate this year by the University Grants Commission (UGC) Nepal. Located at Bafal, Kathmandu, BernHart College was established in 2060 B.S.

The commission provided QAA certificate to BernHardt as the College successfully completed all the stages of quality assessment.

The QAA program of UGC aims to improve the quality of education in the country. According to UGC, accreditation aims to provide quality assurance that the academic aims and objectives of the institution are known to be honestly pursued and effectively achieved by mobilizing the resources currently available and that the institution has demonstrated capabilities to ensure the effectiveness of the educational program (s), over the validity period of accreditation.

On that occasion, the College extended sincere gratitude to all the college management committee officials, professors, staff, students and all stakeholders, who have worked hard and cooperated for this great work.

About Kathmandu BernHardt College:

Kathmandu BernHardt College is a unique institution designed to disseminate quality education to students. It is offering Bachelors degree in Management (BBS), Bachelor of Arts (BA/BASW) and Bachelor in Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc CSIT), Bachelor in Business Management (BBM), Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) and Masters of Business Studies (MBS) program with affiliation from Tribhuvan University. 
