Islington College launches 'MBA with research oriented job' program


January 12, 2018
Last updated June 18, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Islington College  situated at Kamalpokhari has launched the MBA program with research oriented employment.The College has got its affiliation from the London Metropolitan University of London, UK. 

It has started the 2 years’ MBA program with additional study time in China and Thailand from this academic session.The course is started in collaboration with the Chinese multinational conglomerate e-commerce company Alibaba Dot com and Chamber of Commerce of University of Thailand. The students will get opportunity to be trained from the experts of the Alibaba group. The course will illuminate upon the market in Nepal and the various scopes it holds for the extension with other nations in business.

The students admitted to the program will learn in the micro level about the material that are imported and exported in and outside of Nepal. According to CEO of the College, Sulav Budhathoki, the course will help the students to get employed or study further in any part of the world after completion of the degree.

According to CEO Budhathoki, it will also enable the students to  start as entrepreneurs in fields of their interests after getting deep insights of business, economy and banking in the course. He claims this course to be the first one of its kind that incorporates the elements of national and international business.

Islington College will enroll only 20 students in the first batch. The total cost of the 2 years cost is 5 lakhs 50 thousand and the cost for additional study in China and Thailand will be 8 lakhs 50 thousand.
