Information technology Education in Nepal


April 05, 2014
Last updated May 05, 2024
A-Levels 2025

The information technology field is a fast-growing career sector. As society becomes more reliant on technology, more people are needed to create the software and hardware for it. The demand for IT professionals is high in the market, and so is the scope of IT professionals, as the subject is practical, and it is easy for students to get a job by the time they complete their studies.

Information Technology is among the most popular subjects at Tribhuvan University (TU), Purbanchal University (PU), and universities abroad.

Increasing demand "IT is all about computers that explore computer technology and information management," shared Prakash Shrestha, a lecturer and Systems Officer at Islington College Kamal Pokhari, adding that there is an increasing number of students in this subject. 

"Now we are permitted to take in 60 students per trimester. Because this subject addresses the present need, the number of students is increasing," informed Shrestha.

Expressing similar views, Binod Ranabhat, pursuing a Bachelor of Information Management (BIM) in the Third semester from Kantipur College of Management and Information Technology (KCMIT),  said, "IT is a subject that incorporates new technology, and its definition keeps on changing with time." 

Future prospects

"There is fun, creativity, and money in this profession. I dream of working at Google, Microsoft, or any other renowned IT firm in the future," shared Akshobhya Dahal, who has a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer and is an IInd Year student at Informatics College.

Agreeing with him, Padam Shankhadev, Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT), VIth semester student at College of Information Technology and Engineering (CITE), shared, "If we can show our talent, we get job placements even while pursuing our studies. I see even better opportunities once we complete our studies." "More than 20 graduates of our college are employed in Microsoft offices. Besides, there are ample job opportunities in Nepal and countries abroad," informed Amrit Koirala, faculty member at CITE.

The future of this subject is perfect, as viewed by Indra PC, a faculty member at KCMIT, who said, "Most students who have graduated from our colleges are abroad studying and working. Also, very few qualified IT professionals are in the market, so we need more IT professionals in the coming days."

Shrestha, who also sees brain drain "as one of the biggest problems in the IT sector of Nepal," opined, "The outsourcing business is high in Nepal, after India. Demand for qualified IT professionals in this sector will keep growing in the future."

Practicality of subject Information Technology is a very practical subject, but students complain that it is unable to retain its practicality. "We do have a very excellent course content, but it is more theoretical. Had it been more practical and job-orientated, it would be much easier for us to implement what we learnt in college in practice," opined Raghunath Pathak, a VIth semester student at CITE.

Similarly, Binaya Regmi, a BIM Vth semester at KCMIT, complained, "IT should be a more practical-based subject, but we have to study more theoretical than practical subjects."

Shishir Poudel, a BIM IIIrd semester student, said, "The syllabus should be updated timely to make it more practical and time-relevant. This is lacking in the syllabus of TU."

Dahal added that they have been assigned a few practical projects in college. "We need more projects to practically do what we learn at college and in the classroom." Challenges "Compared to when we started BIT course in 2000, the craze of students studying IT in Nepal has decreased as most of them prefer to study abroad. The political crisis in the country has discouraged students here, for they do not get enough opportunities in the IT sector once they complete their studies," complained Koirala.

Sadikchhay Rijal, BIT VIth semester student at CITE, has been troubled by Purbanchal University's schedule. "Exams are not conducted on time, and we are suffering from that," she stated.

Despite growing demand in the IT sector, PC opined, "Though we produce enough workforce in the IT sector, we do not have industries where students can go and practice. And even the students must suffer to complete their internship as corporate houses do not respond well to such students."

"The high cost has been a challenge, and we want to make the fee even more affordable," Shrestha stated.
