Graduates from Any Field Now Eligible for Masters in Nepali

November 30, 2023
Graduates from Any Field Now Eligible for Masters in Nepali
A-Levels 2025

Tribhuvan University has opened the doors for students who have successfully completed their bachelor's degrees to pursue MA in Nepali (MA Nepali). This decision was reached collaboratively by the Tertiary Nepali Subject Standing Committee, the Faculty Council Standing Committee, and the Academic Council Standing Committee.

The decision involves the removal of a previous provision mandating Nepali to be studied as an elective at the undergraduate level for those intending to pursue postgraduate studies. Now, individuals with a bachelor's degree or its equivalent from Tribhuvan University, regardless of their initial field of study, can enroll in master's level Nepali programs.

"Nepali subject is our identity. It should not be narrowed down and confined to a limited circle of people. If they want to come to study, students who have graduated in any subject should also be allowed to study Nepali at the post-graduate level. The right of those who want to read should not be violated", said the Department head Prof. Dr. Luitel.

While some critics argue that this decision is aimed at boosting enrollment numbers for postgraduate Nepali programs, Prof. Dr. Khagendra Prasad Luitel dismisses such claims. He asserts, "Such a decision was not taken to increase the number of students. This decision has been taken for the development and improvement of the Nepali language. Now more and more students will be able to study a master's degree in the Nepali subject. This will make the Nepali language stronger."
