Admission Process after Medical Education Common Entrance Examination

August 10, 2021
Last updated June 13, 2024
Teaching Reinvented

As soon as the Medical Education Commission publishes the results of the common entrance, the admission process begins. The merit list is created purely on the basis of entrance exam scores.

Similarly, since the candidates have already selected the institutions and programs in their applications, admission will be based on a match between the information provided in the application and the rank on the merit list. The merit list will be matched to the institution and courses until all seats are filled.

However, due to a variety of factors, some medical college seats may still remain unfilled. A wrap-up session will be held in this case, during which the remaining students on the merit list will be assigned to the institutions and courses for which they applied.  This brings the admissions process to an end. 

Students are assigned to institutions and courses based on their grades on the merit list, which is generated automatically. Admission will be made exclusively on the basis of the students' grades. In contrast to prior years, there is no need to visit the colleges for the application process or to pay the fee. As a result, there is no room for bias or manipulation.

The medical education council has set the fees for all of the programs. Students will be required to pay a third of the fee at the university, which will then assign students to the appropriate medical institutes.