Latest School News—April 05, 2014
Many educationists always talk of a “good school”, or a “model school”, but what exactly does a “good school” mean? In many parts of the world, schools have …
Course Guidance—April 05, 2014
Nepal is an agricultural country where most of the people are dependent on agriculture. With educated and qualified people working in this field, the …
The SLC phase is a crucial time for students as they will have to decide on a proper high school course to major in. While this state might be one of state …
If you plan for a year, plant a seed. If for ten years, plant a tree. If for hundred years, teach the people. When you sow a seed once, you will reap a single …
CTEVT News and Notices—April 05, 2014
Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) today said it will prepare criteria for affiliation to new academic institutions for diploma …
The development of human civilisation, how it moved towards modernisation, culture of our ancestors, how it has changed or remained the same, are a few …
Interviews—April 05, 2014
What has the TU been doing to take the situation under control that has emerged as the poll remains undecided? Tribhuvan university has always been very loyal …
Higher Education News—April 05, 2014
University Grants Commission (UGC) Nepal awarded Accreditation Certification to School of Science (SOS) and School of Engineering (SOE) of Kathmandu …
SEE Exam and Result—April 05, 2014
Asim Ghimire of Jhapa become highest scorer of SLC-2069 Batch. Asis is from Jhapa and studied in Little flowers Aawasiya english higher secondary school. His …
The registrar of Kathmandu University Prof. Dr. Bhadra Man Tuldadhar Resigned from the post on Thursday. Similarly exam controller of Kathmandu University …
Far Western University, Nepal which is situated in Kanchanpur, Mahendranagar and is running different programs in Bachelor level is planning to introduce …
Abroad Study—April 05, 2014
Codes of Conduct on Educational Consultancy Service, 2063 (2006) {Adopted by the Extra-ordinary General Assembly on 2063/9/15 (30 December 2006)} These Codes …
Act No 33 of 2053 (1996) An Act to make provisions relating to the Pokhara University Preamble: Whereas, it is expedient to establish the Pokhara University …
In this blog post we are sharing information regarding prevailing law and statutes regarding establishment of University in Nepal. Acts of all the …
Act number 46 of the year 2049 (1992) An Act Made to Provide for Tribhuvan University Preamble: Whereas, it is expedient to further strengthen Tribhuvan …
Act No 32 of 2050 (1994) An Act to make provisions relating to the Purbanchal University Preamble: Whereas, it is expedient to establish the Purbanchal …
NEB Notices—April 05, 2014
Higher secondary education board today published notice asking for proposal from SMS and IVR service providers for publishing the results (HSEB results of …
Ministry of Education Nepal, directed the colleges offering 3 years Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Program in Nepal with the affiliation of Indian …
Others—April 05, 2014
There are various types of technical posts in Army. Nepalese citizens can apply for those posts according to their qualifications and interest. Candidates …
Many Nepalese students time and again ask the questions What are the criteria and types of exam taken for selection of officer cadet in Nepalese Army? So in …
Kathmandu University School of Management ( KUSOM ) lunched the restructured Masters in Business Administration ( MBA ) program amid a ceremony in the Capital …
“Education is the best wealth one can have” says Nitishastra. It increases as you spend, thieves cannot steal it, and when ancestral wealth is divided, you …
According to Nepal Engineering council, the following universities and their mentioned engineering program are recognized by Nepal Engineering Council. If you …
Not all the chinese universities are recognized by Nepal Engineering Council. Unless Nepal Engineering council recognized that University, the engineering …
Showing 2521 to 2544 of 2631 results