Colleges offering Pre-Diploma in Social Mobilization under CTEVT
The course, social mobilization is designed for the people, who are interested to work in the society as a community development agent but they have no idea and skill and knowledge to work in this field. For that they need some training with skills. The course deals with theory and skills, which are needed for the social mobilization and community development workers.
The course is based on the development principle. There are some main subjects followed by other relevant subjects. Languages, agro forestry, personal management, project design management, community development and social mobilization, Entrepreneur development, community empowerment and community health, training & facilitation and environment are the main subjects. Conflict management, facilitation, micro finance are followed by sub subjects such as environment and development, gender issue, advocacy and right base approach, emergency and disaster management, violence against women, anti trafficking, globalization, communication, coordination with others, professionalism, right and security, etc. It is managed that while instructing the course instructor has to instruct the trainees in the appropriate environment, such as in class, workshop and lab, or in the field. The trainees will be capable to perform their jobs through right procedures in right place and in right discipline.
Pre-Diploma in Social Mobilization aims to
- Enable the participants to work with the rural as well as urban communities in different development activities.
- Empower the participants with the tools of different community development practices.
- Expose participants to the techniques, methods and process of social mobilization in Nepal.
- Familiarize the participants with the basic concept of decentralized governance and its practice in Nepal.
- Familiarize the participants with the basic concept and practices of project cycle management (need assessment, planning, programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation).
- Develop coordinating skill of the participants in different development activities in cooperation with different stakeholders.
- Enhance the communication skill of the participants to ensure efficient and effective delivery of the message of development.
- Generate awareness among participants on different issues related with environment, human/child rights, peace and justice, conflict and other current issues.
- Supervise the participant to facilitate the community to recognize and prepare of local resources for the community development
Salient Features
Duration of the course:
This course will be completed within 18 months (40 hrs/week X 39 weeks a year = 1560 hrs.) class plus 6 months (40 hrs/week X 24 weeks= 960 hrs. on the job training (OJT).
Group size:
The group size will be maximum 40 (forty) in a batch.
Medium of Instruction:
The medium of instruction will be in English and/or Nepali language.
Pattern of Attendance:
The students should have minimum 90% attendance in theory classes and practical/performance to be eligible for internal assessments and final examinations.
Grading will be as follows:
Overall marks Grading
A. Above 75 % 1st Division
B. 65 to below 75 % 2nd Division
C. Minimum pass mark to Below 65 % 3rd Division
Note: - Trainees should pass in theory and practical separately in both Evaluation (Internal Assessment and Final Examination)
Individuals who meet the following criteria are allowed to enter into Pre-Diploma in Social Mobilization:
- Should have passed SEE
- Should pass entrance examination administered by CTEVT
- Final selection will be made on the basis of merit list.
Job Prospects
The graduate will be eligible for the position equivalent to Non-gazetted 2nd class/level 4 (technical) as Social Mobilizer in government, semi government organization, I/NGO, private sector or as prescribed by the Public Service Commission of Nepal.