Colleges offering Ten Plus Two in Plant Science under National Examinations Board
Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) has introduced Technical education in plus two level from 2015 AD.
In the first phase Ten Plus two in plant Science program will be run in 18 different Higher Secondary School.
- To impart knowledge about the importance and scope of fruit production and grading.
- To enable students classify the important fruits and orchard management.
- To impart knowledge about the cultivation practices for commercial fruit production.
- To understand the importance and concept of food crops (cereals, oil seeds, and grain
- legumes) and their agro-ecology as well as modern production technology.
- To understand the role and importance of food crops (cereals, oil seeds, grain legumes) in ensuring food security.
- To impart pertinent and basic information of extension covering cooperatives and marketing.
- To enable the students to use common methods, practices and approach of extension for better agricultural development and innovation.
- To impart knowledge the importance and scope of vegetable production and marketing.
- To enable the students classify the vegetable and its management.
- To impart knowledge and concept of cultivation practices of commercial vegetable production.
- To impart knowledge about the importance and scope and skill of mushroom production and marketing.
- To impart knowledge classify the mushroom and skill for its management.
- To develop skill of the students for cultivation practices of commercial mushroom production.
- To enable students to conceptualize and practice integrated plant nutrients management in major field crops and vegetable crops grown in Nepal
- To enable the students to conceptualize and practice integrated pest management in major field crops and vegetable crops grown in Nepal
- The knowledge, concept, skill and capability of the students is developed to understand, interpret and practice the technological innovations in regard to food crops, vegetables, fruits and mushroom m production at commercial scale.
- The knowledge, concept, and skill of the students is developed to understand, interpret and practice agricultural extension and communication methods at grassroots level.
- The knowledge, concept, and skill of the students is developed to understand, interpret and practice sustainable integrated plant nutrient management and integrated pest management approaches in farming practices.
Students will to enroll in grade 11 Vocational Subject Group (Plant Science) must score
- GPA: 1.6
- C in English, Science and Mathematics
- D+ in Social and Nepali
Job Prospects
After completing Ten Plus two in Plant Science courses the students will have the following career and job opportunities:
- Will be able to get enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry in various universities both in Nepal and abroad.
- Will be able to get employed in various sectors like GOs, I/NGOs, Private organisations, and enterprises engaged in agricultural and rural development, agroenterprises.
- Will be able to run own agro-enterprises or production farms at local level.
Curricular Structure
Specialized subjects of the Plant science stream include altogether 6 subjects with 200 Full Marks in grade 11 and 200 full marks in grade 12.
The subjects covered include: commercial fruit production and orchard management; food crops production and food security; and participatory agriculture extension and marketing in grade 11 while in grade 12 specialized subjects include: commercial vegetable production and marketing; commercial mushroom production and marketing; and sustainable integrated nutrient and pest management.
These subjects with full marks in theory and practical and total full marks are summarized in tables given below.