Colleges offering Ten Plus Two in Animal Science under National Examinations Board
Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) has introduced Technical education in plus two level from 2015 AD.
HSEB has given affiliation to Ten different Higher Secondary School to run Ten plus two in Animal Science program.
Minimum criteria to be fulfilled by the teacher involved in HSEB Technical subjects and the School running the Program (Higher Secondary in Technical Subject- Animal Science)
- The academic qualification of teacher taking the courses of this program should have at least a bachelor degree in the related field or higher degree holder.
- He should be given refresher course training before assigning the course.
Schools should have the following minimum criteria to run this program:
- The school should have 1-2 bigha of land of its own or in lease for practical purpose,
- A nutrition lab equipped with minimum chemicals and glassware
- Small dairy lab and processing unit (product preparation)
- Small slaughter slab with processing unit
- Animal farm having each unit of cattle, buffalo, goat and sheep,pig and poultry (Demonstration Farm)
- Livestock production and breeding lab with minimum equipment and chart, poster etc.
- Miniature fish farm
Besides, for boosting up the moral of the teacher some provisions will be desirable for extra benefits and facilities
• Schools should have made a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with nearby commercial farmer or community to use their farms for practical purpose.
Students will to enroll in grade 11 Vocational Subject Group (Animal Science) must score
- GPA: 1.6
- C in English, Science and Mathematics
- D+ in Social and Nepali
Download Curriculum of Ten Plus Two Animal Science Program.pdf