Colleges offering Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling Psychology under Tribhuvan University
Post Graduation Diploma (PGD) in counseling psychology is the one year academic course, within that students have to complete five academic papers including practical. In practical students has to do field work in different organizations to provide counseling to minimum of 10 cases.
Students provide counseling to the needy individual under the strict supervision and guidance of counselor and psychologist. Students will conduct both assessment/diagnosis to the needy people and provide counseling to solve the core problem.
Candidates who have passed Bachelor level in any subjects can apply for enrollment in Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling Psychology (PGDCP).
Curricular Structure
1. Introduction to Counseling Psychology
Unit 1 Introduction and evolution of counseling as profession
Unit 2 Counseling setting scope and basic psychology
Unit 3 Approaches to counseling in Nepal
Unit 4 Basic Features of Counseling processes
Unit 5 Counseling with specific issue and group
2. Mental Health and Psycho social problem
Unit 1 Introduction to Mental Health
Unit 2 Historical Viewpoint
Unit 3 Mental Health and Psycho social problems
Unit 4 Childhood and late life cognitive disorders
Unit 5 Risk groups prone to psycho social and mental health problems
3. Counseling Theories and Skills
Unit 1 Introduction to counseling Theories
Unit 2 Client Centered Counseling
Unit 3 Cognitive behavior counseling
Unit 4 Behavior Intervention
Unit 5 Skills and Training
4. Assessment in Counseling
Unit 1 Introduction
Unit 2 Assessment of Psychological Problems
Unit 3 Psychological Test
Unit 4 Evaluation and Clinical Test
Unit 5 Evaluation report assessment report and case management.
5. Practicum (Along with necessary training)