Colleges offering PhD in Microbiology under Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Microbiology (CDM)-Tribhuvan University offers full time research based course for award of PhD degree. Minimum duration for PhD program is three years with a provision of extension up to 5 years. Currently 12 students are doing their PhD from the Central Department of Microbiology. Till date five scholars have been already awarded with PhD degree.
The doctoral (Ph.D.) programme of Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology (IOST) is intended for those who wish to develop career in teaching, research and advanced knowledge in the field of Science and Technology. The Ph.D. students are expected to achieve a high standard of academic excellence and contribute to scientific theory and/or experiment through original research.
The Ph. D. programme of IOST is regulated by the Research Committee (RC -IOST) constituted under the chair of the Dean in accordance with Tribhuvan University Organization and Academic Administration Rule 2050, chapter 3, section 9. The research committee frames its necessary working rules in compliance with the existing regulation. The Ph. D programme is conducted according to the following rules and regulations.
Time Requirement for Ph.D.
(a) Full time researcher: The Ph. D. thesis of full time researcher shall be submitted only after the completion of three years of registration. However, for an exceptional work, evident from standard publications, the CDRC may recommend submission of thesis after 2 years of registration. If the candidate cannot submit the thesis within five year of registration it will be considered automatically cancelled.
(b) Part time researchers: The PhD thesis of part time researcher shall be submitted after completion of five years from the date of registration. The thesis must be submitted within seven years of registration, and if not submitted, it will be considered automatically cancelled. This rule also be enforced to the part time researchers who were enrolled before amendement of regulations of Ph.D. programe, 2071. As provision of IOST a full time researcher is considered as a researcher who will give his/her full time in research work with taking leave from their job otherwise that candidate will be considered as a part time researcher.
Fee: The registration and monthly fee for the part time researcher will be two time than that of of full time researcher. In case of full time faculty member of TU the monthly fee will be waived out by 50%.
Re-Registration: If a candidate fails to submit thesis as per rule 7.1, but has worked substantially, then he/she can request for re-registration on same topic and under same supervisor. He/she can get re-registered by submitting fresh application to the Central Department within a month of expiry of registration. In such case the candidate can submit thesis within two years, but not before six months of re- registration (full time researcher) whereas for part time researcher it will be within three years from the date of re-registration. If candidate fails to submit thesis within two years of re-registration for full time and three years for part time researcher then his/her re-registration will be automatically cancelled. The fee shall be double than their normal registration period for both the cases.
Before submission of the thesis, the candidate has to present research work in a pre- submission seminar organized by the CDRC. The CDRC must send the report on this presentation with recommendation to the research committee of IOST.
A candidate is eligible for enrollment and registration for Ph.D. programme of IOST provided he/she has secured at least second division in M.Sc in Microbiology from Tribhuvan University or from any other University recognized by Tribhuvan University.
Admission Criteria
Enrollment and Registration
A candidate interested to enrol into Ph.D. programme shall apply to the concerned Central Department, where he/she intends to work in a subject related to his/her research.
3.1. The application form (on approved format) and processing charge for enrolment in Ph.D. programme shall be available from the concerned Central Department of IOST on payment of the amount as decided by the Dean's Office. 3.2. The candidate shall get application every year in the months of January and July from the Central Departments of IOST. The application must include a research proposal CV (of candidate as well as of the Supervisor and Co-supervisor(s) including a list of publications), recommendation of the supervisor, no objection letter from employer, assurance letter of study leave from the employer ( for full time research candidate)
3.3. The Central Department Research Committee (CDRC) shall evaluate the research proposal and application. The candidate shall have to defend the proposal in the Central Department to justify that he/she possesses adequate knowledge in the field of study proposed for the Ph.D. research. The CDRC shall also certify that the subject offered by the candidate is one which can be pursued either within the department, or any other concerned department or a research centre of Tribhuvan University or any other research institute recognized by the research committee. A letter of permission/consent of the Head of Department/Laboratory/Institute/Research Centre shall be attached along with the application.
3.4. After incorporation of suggestions (if any), the CDRC shall recommend the application to the Research Committee of IOST, for registration into the Ph. D. course. The Central Department shall forward the application to the IOST within three months.
3.5. IOST will organize meeting of the Research Committee to approve the recommendation of CDRC. The Dean's Office will inform the CD Head, the concerned institute, the candidate and supervisor about the decision on application within two months,(May-June/Nov-Dec). In case of approval, the candidate should get registered in the IOST.
3.6. Dean's office shall provide the candidate a provisional registration for one year. The candidate has to prove his/her research ability within one year. After receiving recommendation from the CDRC, the Research Committee of IOST will consider the candidate as a Ph.D. student.
3.7. The title of Ph. D. thesis shall be provisional at the time of registration. It shall be finalized six months before submission of the thesis, and approved by the Research Committee after recommendation from CDRC.
3.8. The candidate pursuing interdisciplinary research shall fulfill requirement as suggested by the CDRC before registration (see condition for interdisciplinary research).
3.9. If approved by the research committee, the candidate shall register into IOST by payment of registration and other fees decided by the Research Committee of IOST. The fees would be charged till the thesis is finally submitted to the department.
3.10. A Ph. D. student must attend the course/seminar organized by the concerned Department (CDRC) 3.11. After enrolment for Ph. D., the student shall not undertake any responsibility except research without approval of CDRC, at the recommendation of the supervisor.
3.12. A Ph. D. student shall not enroll for any other degree during the Ph.D. research period.
3.13. A Ph. D. candidate's registration would be cancelled if he/she violates any regulations and progress is unsatisfactory.
3.14. Research Centre for applied science and technology (RECAST) can conduct Ph. D. Program under the research guidlines of IOST. The RECAST should forward Ph. D. applications and thesis to IOST and IOST may take openion from concern CDRC.