MSc in Electrical Engineering in Power System

MSc in Electrical Engineering in Power System

2 years

Colleges offering MSc in Electrical Engineering in Power System under Pokhara University

M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering in Power System is a two years (4 Semesters) program of Pokhara University. The Master’s programme in Electric Power system engineering covers courses in Electric Power Engineering including systems and components where electricity is principally used to transfer energy. The programme is concerned with understanding, modelling and analysing a wide range of topics related to design, operation, and control of individual power system components as well as power system in its entirety. After successful completion of the programme, participants shall be able to pursue a professional career in industry as well as an academic research career. An important influence of this master programme is real life problem based learning including case studies and problem solving with quantitative and qualitative models using commercially available modelling software.

The course structure is based on the Semester system. Each Year is divided in first and second Semester. In first year first semester, five core courses are offered and in second semester, four core courses are offered. Three different elective subjects are offered in second semester and students can choose any one of them. The second year, first semester consists of two regular courses and six electives from different fields are offered in this semester and students can chose two of them. The second year second semester is entirely allocated for dissertation work. The dissertation shall be individual’s work and be entirely research based . Students shall be encouraged to publish research papers in national and international journals as a outcome of their dissertation work.

Program Objective

The Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in Power System (M.Sc. EEPS) program focuses in providing a domain capability to each student that allows them to have a meaningful career in power system analysis, design and development, making reliable and economic power system. The course offers several optional and self-contained modules in the field of Power System Engineering. Different areas, such as power system dynamics, power electronics in power system, operation and control of power system, power quality and many more are covered through different modules of this program. The specific objectives of the program are as follows:

  1. To provide depth knowledge and understanding of the power system dynamics, its detailed modeling and simulation.
  2. To develop self-motivation in solving problem and to act autonomously in planning and implementation tasks at a professional level in Power System Engineering with full knowledge of software used in Power System Engineering.
  3. To develop independent research in a topic relating to Power System.
  4. To create the competent & skilled human resources to ensure them the careers and employment and in this way fulfill the requirement of National and Multinational Power and other industries.
  5. Promotion of research activities at the Faculty of Science and Technology
  6. Promotion of faculty development activities by creating special opportunities for its existing junior faculties by allowing them to participate in the graduate programs.
  7. Sustainability of existing academic programs


Students with Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering or Electrical and Electronics Engineering or its equivalent are eligible to join M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering in Power System program. Also, the applicant must have along with the above criteria a minimum of 16 years formal education (12 years of schooling plus four years of graduation). 

Furthermore, the applicant must have secured a minimum of second division or CGPA of 2.75 or equivalent at the Bachelor degree level.

Curricular Structure

The Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in Power System (M.Sc. EEPS) program is designed to equip students with the competencies, knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for success in technical positions. The coursework gives students a broad and holistic view of the complexity of technologies concerning different power system analysis and design in today’s world. The curriculum comprises the following distinct components

  1. Foundation & Analytical Courses: The foundation and analytical courses provide the necessary academic background and analytical tools for M. Sc. study and are pre-requisite to advanced core courses.
  2. Core and Functional Courses: The core and functional courses as mentioned in the curriculum structure of M. Sc. EEPS provide students with the concept of advanced power system analysis, prevailing concept in reliable and secure design, familiar with international code of practices and use of advance software.
  3. Electives: A student is required to take four courses of three credit hours as electives. The objective of elective courses is to provide flexibility to the students in selecting course in which they have special interest. She/he can choose any course from the areas offered as mentioned in the course structure of M. Sc. EEPS
  4. Thesis: Students are required to undertake novel and original graduate research in the field of Electrical Power system to analyze the problem and find the appropriate technical as well as feasible solution. Students are also required to prepare a research report on a prescribed format. This course covers 15 credit hours. 4 credits are also allocated for seminar  and project works prior to thesis dissertation to provide pre- requisite for the thesis. A six-moth dissertation provides students with an opportunity to gain basic preliminary practical as well as theoretical experience of the research.

Structure of the Curriculum

Year 1 –Semester -1
S.No. Course Code Course Credit Contact  hr/week Type
1 EEPS Computer Aided Power System Analysis 4-0-2 6 C
2 EEPS Distribution System planning and Design 3-0-0 3 C
3 EEPS Advanced Power Electronics 3-0-2 5 C
4 EEPS Optimization Techniques 3-0-0 3 C
5 EEPS Power Market  and Deregulation 3-0-0 3 C
      16 20  


Year 1 –Semester -2
S.No. Course Code Course Credit Contact  hr/week Type
1 EEPS Power System Dynamics and Stability 4-0-2 6 C
2 EEPS Advanced High Voltage Engineering 3-0-0 3 C
3 EEPS Power System Operation And Control 3-0-0 3 C
4 EEPS Project 2-0-0 2 C
5 EEPS Elective I 3-0-0 3 E
      15 17  



Year 2–Semester -1
S.No. Course Code Course Credit Contact  hr/week Type
1 EEPS Power System Reliability 3-0-0 3 C
2 EEPS Engineering Project Management 3-0-0 3 C
3 EEPS Seminar 2-0-0 2 C
4 EEPS Elective II 3-0-0 3 E
5 EEPS Elective III 3-0-0 3 E
      14 14  


Year 2–Semester -2
S.No. Course  Code Course Credit Contact  hr/week Type
1 EEPS Dissertation 15-0-0 15  
      15 15  
  Total Credit 60    


Elective 1 Elective 2 Elective 3
Electrical Drives Adv. Power System Protection Power Quality  and Harmonics
Dynamic Modeling of Electrical Machines Distributed  Generation and Micro  Grid Artificial Intelligence
FACTS and HVDC in Electric Power Systems Risk Assessments  of Power system Social and  environment  impact of Engineering  System
Micro Controller  and DSP based  System Design Non Linear Control  system  design Renewable Energy Sources and Grid Integration


The main objective of Master’s Degree Dissertation is to carry out original research work concerning Electrical Power related problems and solve those problems. Seminar course  is also integral part of the dissertation  which  is introduced in second  semester. In seminar work , the student shall complete the partial work of the dissertation which will consist of problem statement, literature review, project overview, scheme of implementation (Mathematical Model/block diagram, etc.) and design of the Set-up. As a part of the progress report of seminar course, the candidate shall deliver a presentation on the advancement in Technology pertaining to the selected dissertation topic. The student shall submit the proposal in standard format for satisfactory completion of the work by the consulting supervisor  by the  end  of  2nd. Project  work  is introduced  in third  Semester  which  is integral part of the dissertation. The  student   must  defend the  dissertation at end of  4th semester/Seminars, project works  and  dissertation  will  be  evaluated   by the panel of  experts  on the  basics of  Quality of Literature survey and Novelty in the topic, Relevance to the specialization , Understanding of the topic, validation of the results  and Quality of Written and Oral Presentation. Students  are  eligible  for final  defense  of the dissertation only  completing  all courses  of the  program.