MPhil Management

MPhil Management

Master of Philosophy

Colleges offering MPhil Management under Purbanchal University

The M. Phil  in Management program is a pre-requisite course to the Ph.D. program of the Faculty of Management, Purbanchal University. The program develops knowledge and skill among students necessary for pursuing research in different areas of management. The program aims to develop researcher scholars for Ph. D. Degree. Upon meeting all the requirements of this program, a certificate will be issued by the University.


The M. Phil program aims at preparing students for research and consultancy and thereby making them eligible for the enrollment in the Ph.D. Program of the Faculty of Management, Purbanchal University. This Program also aims at producing the research graduates and consultants in management through a continual learning process.



Salient Features


The evaluation will consist of internal evaluation containing 60 percent weightage and end term evaluation containing 40 percent weightage. There will be no end term evaluation in seminar courses, project work and research proposal and defense. The project work and research proposal and defense will have viva-voce examinations.

Course waiver

If the candidate has already completed some courses in equivalent program of other recognized university, such courses can be waived by the Management Research Committee of the Faculty of Management.

Proposed Fee Structure for M.Phil Program


Fee Structure (M.Phil.)

Amount (NPR)


M.Phil Registration



Course (one and half year) fee Per Semester



Application Form (M.Phil)



Entrance Fee (M.Phil)



Refundable Deposit



The candidate applying for this program must meet the following criteria:  (1) Master degree in Management or Commerce or Business Administration or Economics with second division or CGPA of B, and

(2) At least three years of Bachelor level teaching or equivalent professional work experience.

A candidate who has completed M. Phil or equivalent courses from a recognized University and met entry requirements of the Faculty of Management will be allowed to directly enroll for Ph.D. However such candidate will be required to undertake the course on Research Proposal Writing and Defense required for the enrollment in the Ph. D. Program.