Entrance Exams
Colleges offering MD under National Academy of Medical Sciences
Radiology should play an increasingly greater role in the service of the mankind as it is growing at a very fast pace. It is throwing newer challenges with the passage of time, in particular, to the developing nations, which find it very hard to keep pace with its speedy progress.
Rapid technological advancement has widened the horizon of radiological sciences by many folds. Contrary to the previous belief, it has proved to be one of the main clinical disciplines, not merely a diagnostic branch of medical sciences. In the practice of modern medicine, it is regarded as the backbone of all the institutions involved in health care. The MD program in radiology will consist of a three years of postgraduate residential training.
The training in radiology in the NAMS will be done in the affiliated hospitals. The program of training in radiology will be started by involving the hospitals, where there are adequate manpower and equipments. Later on, with increasing facilities in other affiliated hospitals of the NAMS, they may be included in the program.
Pass percentage and degree awarded: Minimum pass percentages are 50% overall in Clinical Practical, including that obtained from the formative assessment. The candidates who pass the examination will be awarded the MD degree in Radio-diagnosis by National Academy of Medical Sciences.
Salient Features
1. The course is to orient and train the residents in different aspects of diagnostic and interventional radiology. They should be able to apply this training at different levels of health care.
2. To develop skills of critical analysis of scientific literature.
3. Be conversant with recent advances in radiology.
4. To develop skills in researches related to radiology.
5. To develop skills as a teacher/ trainer.
The candidate, after completion of 3 years course, should be capable of accomplishing the following objectives:
- Describe aetiology, pathophysiology and principles of diagnosis and management of common problems including emergencies.
- Competent enough to independently perform and interpret all kinds of radiological investigations.
- Aware of radiological hazards and competent enough to minimise and present the risks associated.
- Provide basic life saving support service in emergency services.
- Recognize conditions that may be outside the area of specialty/ competence and to refer them to proper specialist or ask for help.
- Advise regarding the management (including interventional radiology) of the case and to carry out the management effectively.
- Adopt ethical principles in all aspects of his/her practice.
- Be humble and accept the limitations of his knowledge and skills and to ask for help from colleagues in need.
- Candidates should have MBBS or equivalent degree recognized by the Nepal Medical Council.
- Candidates should have minimum two years of work experience in Government, University or other similar recognized hospitals after temporary registration with Medical Council.
- Candidates should achieve minimum 50% marks in the written MCQ type entrance examination.
- For selection of the candidates, 60% of the marking would be as per the markings of the written examination, and rest 40% would be given as followings:
- Experience in remote areas as per the classification of Ministry (2 years X maximum number 10%): 20%
- PG diplomas from a recognized university in the concerned subject only (Diploma holder in one subject can not apply in other subject): 5%
- MBBS or equivalent (>75%: 5; >60%: 4; >50: 3): 5%
- I.Sc. or equivalent or certificate in health sciences (>60%: 5; >45%: 4; <45: 3): 5%
- SLC or equivalent (>75%: 5; >60%: 4; >45: 3; <45%: 2): 5%