Entrance Exams
Dermatology including Venereology and Leprology is one of the important basic clinical speciality. Considerable advances have taken place in the understanding of dermatological disorders and their treatment. Leprosy is still a public health problem of considerable magnitude in the country. The sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are showing worldwide increase in incidence with the new dimension of HIV/AIDS added to it.
There is lack of trained manpower in the speciality of skin and STD. Very few medical colleges in the country impart sufficient knowledge about these diseases at undergraduate level, and, Postgraduate courses are not available in most of the medical colleges.
Bir Hospital, with the support of the valley group of hospitals, Kathmandu, is known for its excellence in almost all specialities of medicine and surgery in Nepal. With the formation of National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS), it has already achieved high academic standard in many branches of medicine and surgery.
The curriculum of MD Dermatology and Venereology has been designed to match with other clinical specialities of the NAMS with the objective of fulfilling the national need at broader perspective. An attempt has been made to give a comprehensive training to the postgraduates including basic subjects and recent advances.
Salient Features
The goal of the MD program is to prepare clinically competent, compassionate and academically sound human resource in Dermatology and STD.
At the end of the course of study the candidate should be able to:
- Diagnose and manage independently common skin diseases, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and leprosy.
- Manage independently and efficiently all medical emergencies related with skin, leprosy and STDs.
- Explain the pathophysiology of diseases.
- Critically evaluate and initiate investigations fr solving problems relating to skin diseases, STDs and leprosy.
- Counsel individual, family and community on adapting preventive measures against communicable skin diseases and STDs (including leprosy and HIV/AIDS)
- Gain sufficient knowledge on research methodology for writing thesis on related health problems.
- Teach requisite knowledge and laboratory skills to other medical/paramedical team members.
Entry Criteria
General entry criteria of National Academy of Medical Sciences for MD/MS Program are applicable, which is as follows.
- Candidates should have MBBS or equivalent degree recognized by the Nepal Medical Council.
- Candidates should have minimum two years of work experience in Government, University or other similar recognized hospitals after temporary registration with Medical Council.
- Candidates should achieve minimum 50% marks in the written MCQ type entrance examination (see Annex - I)
- For selection of the candidates, 60% of the marking would be as per the markings of the written examination, and rest 40% would be given as followings:
- Experience in remote areas as per the classification of Ministry (2 years X maximum number 10): 20%
- PG diplomas from a recognized university in the concerned subject only (Diploma holder in one subject can not apply in other subject): 5%
- MBBS or equivalent (>75%: 5; >60%: 4; >50: 3): 5%
- ISc or equivalent or certificate in health sciences (>60%: 5; >45%: 4; <45: 3): 5%
- SLC or equivalent (>75%: 5; >60%: 4; >45: 3; <45%: 2): 5%