Masters in Landscapes Management and Heritage Studies

Masters in Landscapes Management and Heritage Studies

2 years
Fee (Tentative)NPR 400,000

Current development phenomena and resulting growth in urban activities arecausing systematic conversion of traditional landscapes into other forms of land-use, resulting to complex environmental, socioeconomic and psychological impacts on societies. Although a global trend, land-use changeand associated impacts on natural and man-made environments is ofparticular significance in areas that are ecologically fragile, culturally richand socio-economically vulnerable such as Nepal. In Nepal, there are over ahundred ethnic groups with unique traditions and culture, geographic regions with exceptional social and environmental circumstances with 10 locations registered under UNESCO’s Heritage list which make the country a siteof great academic interest to anthropologists, archaeologists, conservationists and scientists equally. It is therefore important to study and understand the interrelated and complex relationships betweendevelopment theories, nature and humans scientifically, in order to designsustainable strategies for planning and conservation of cultural landscapes,traditions and heritages, which is widely felt to be either completely lackingor insufficient thus far. The program will have a focus on Nepal, but will alsomake a regional coverage of South Asia region which is having unique anddiversified natural and cultural heritages

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Masters in Landscapes management and heritage studiesis an academic program with a focus on themultidisciplinary and interrelated nature of problems thatare visible in the form of alterations in naturallandscapes,traditions and cultural heritages around theworld, with specific reference to Nepal, the Himalayanarea and the Southasian region. The program has an advanced and interdisciplinary setof core and elective courses related to the scientific studyof theories and practices in the field of mangement andconservation of natural and cultural heritages,archaeological excavations as well as planning and designof sustainable landscapes. Field studies, individualprojects, internships and a thesis are the integral parts ofthe programingredients. The program will encompass full time study involving class lectures, workshops, field research and project activities. It also caters to those students who are enrolled in post-graduate programs at universities overseas and are willing toundertake specific courses offered by the program in order to fulfill their degreerequirements.

The program emphasizes on acquiring knowledge and skills concerning

> Concepts and theories of heritage and landscapes

> Conservation of natural, cultural and archaeological heritage

> Environment, social, scientific and technological aspects g Landscape and heritages

> Contemporary issues

The entira course is highly participatory and students are expected to take an active role in the preparation and leading of class discussions, presentations and field work.

Salient Features

Tuition Fee Structure

The total tuition fee for Nepali students is NRS 250,000. This can be paid upfront at once or in four installments to Kathmandu University

Although there are provisions of university scholarships to deserving candidates, it is also expected that students organize their own sources of funds to support their academic pursuits. Students from SAARC region will have to pay 1.5 times and other international students should pay double of the fee as paid by Nepali students.

Once enrolled, the candidates will have access to Kathmandu University’s physical infrastructures and academic resources such as libraries, online resources, laboratories and equipment. 



Given the interdisciplinary nature of the degree, the pool of prospective students will comprise of professionals, practitioners and decision makers in the field of environmental management, cultural management, community development,archaeology, infrastructural design, planning or development. 

The program also offers opportunities for international researchers and scholars interested to broaden their academic and field experience in the field of natural and cultural heritages conservation and management in Nepal. 

The prospective students will have to have successfully completed their four-year undergraduate degree in any relevant field from a reputed university in Nepal or overseas. 

However, candidates with 3 years of undergraduate degree with minimum of two years of verifiable work-experience will be eligible to undertake the course.

Candidates need to have a minimum of 50% marks or CGPA 2.5 to become eligible to apply for the program. Candidates will be selected on the basis ofinterviews/ written tests etc. Successful completion of the degree requires candidates to accomplish all the necessary academic work loads as prescribed by Kathmandu University for the specific program.

Job Prospects

Career Prospects

In fact, the master program in Landscape management and heritage studies is the background education for new professions, especially evolving in Asia and Europe.

Its combination with nature and culture conservation further widens the scope of career development. Graduates with the knowledge with skills to manage landscapes including rural migration and urban growth, and balance between development and conservation are of high demand not only in Nepal but also in the international market.

This master degree can lead to a wide variety of careers in the public sector, private consultancy, in research and academic institutions, construction industry, non-government organizations, and community based organizations at local, national or international level.

This degree also provides strong foundation for doctorate course and further specialization in landscape management, urban design, conservation, disaster management, archaeology and any other related subjects.

GIZ (German Development Organization) is offering an internship of six months to the 3 best students after completion of the study for the next years

Curricular Structure

Course Curriculum **

First Year — Semester I

LaMHS 511 Philosophy and theories of conservation

LaMHS 512 Urban Environment and Infrastructural Planning

LaMHS 513 Cultural Treasures of Nepal

LaMHS 514 Archaeology I

LaMHS 515 Landscape Design and Management

(Total Credits 15)

First Year — Semester II

LaMHS 516 Environmental and Heritage Conservation Plan Policies and


LaMHS 51 7Archaeology II

LaMHS 518 Principles of Management Science

LaMHS 519 Historical and Cultural Resource Management

LaMHS 520 Environmental, Social and Cultural Impact Assessment

LaMHS 521 Conservation Planning Workshop

(Total Credits 15)


Second Year — Semester I

LaMHS 6]] Conservation Methods and Techniques

LaMHS 612 Research Methodology (Including Quantitative Technique with

Thesis Proposal)

LaMHS 613 Disaster Management and Urban Development

LaMHS 614 Construction Planning and Graphic Design

LaMHS 61* Electives *

(Total Credits 15)

Electives *

LaMHS 616 Human Dimensions of Development and Sustainability

LaMHS 61 7Archaeologv III

LaMHS 618 Neighborhood Planning and Design

Second Year — Semester II

LaMHS 619 Thesis

LaMHS 620 Water Resource Management In Cultural Perspectives

LaMHS 621 Construction Materials and Technology Sustainable

Construction and Earthquake Technology

LaMHS 62 * Electives *

(Total Credits 15)


LaMHS 622 Economics and Heritage Conservation

LaMHS 623 Real Estate Development

LaMHS 624 Local Resource and Crafts Industry

LaMHS 625 GIS Applications and conservation planning

** Oflered in the academic year 2011-13; there might be some changes in

the curriculum as per the suggestions from students and academic

