Master of Social Studies Education (MSSEd) program is a four-semester, two-year program. The program assists in the development of a professional social studies instructor, which includes history, government/civics, geography, economics, and other social sciences. MSSEd program concentrates on developing content understanding in social studies education as well as various approaches to teaching such concepts to the students.
Students require assistance in understanding the massive amount of historical interpretations of significant and sometimes contentious events. This degree empowers the instructors with the skills they need to explain such interpretations and make sense of difficult historical events.
Objectives of the program:
- To develop instructors who will have a deep grasp of the link between social studies and contemporary social concerns in order to create a topic specialization or teach at a higher grade level
Salient Features
Method of Instruction
The methods of the teaching M.Ed., program will be the combination of several approaches. Class lectures, group discussion demonstration, guest lecture, seminars, term paper presentation, case analysis, problem solving, practical experience and field work approaches will be used as different techniques of giving instruction in the course so that students will be able to develop abilities for self-learning , problem solving and critical thinking.
Instruction days
Generally an academic year will consist of 150 teaching days excluding the day taken by admission and annual examination. A theory paper of 100 marks will be generally carry 1650 lectures and 5 periods a week and a paper of 50 marks 75 lectures and 3 periods in a week. A practical course requires the student to attend more period per week as mentioned in course of study. In semester system 48 hours credit hours class days are allocated for 3 credit hours.
Practicum is the integral part of the M.Ed. program. It is designed to provide opportunities to student to actually participate in the activity of the campuses or the higher secondary schools. Each student is required to complete three activities classroom teaching, internship and curriculum evaluation in their specialization subject. However, students specializing in educational planning and management are required to undertake other activities in place of classroom teaching. This practicum course is carried out with or after the second year of the program for six weeks .
Thesis Writing and Evaluation
Thesis writing within the specialization area almost is compulsory .Only those students that have passed all the course of the first year program will be allowed to undertake thesis writing The thesis has to be written under the direct supervision of the Faculty Member of the Campus /Department. The format for writing the thesis proposal and the procedure for approving it will be fixed by the Department Research Committee. The evaluation of the thesis will be based on the written part and viva-voice .The quality of thesis will be controlled by the Research Committees for each Department and Guidance and Evaluation Committees instituted under the same.
Attendance and Evaluation System
Minimum attendance in accordance with the university regulation is required (i.e. 70 %) in each subject in order to be eligible for the annual examination. In semester system 80% attend is compulsory for the final examination.
The office of the controller of the examination, T.U. will conduct the examination at the end of the each academic session. Each student must appear in and pass all those examination in order to qualify for M.Ed. degree. The final examination of semester system will be conducted by examination section of dean office.
The evaluation procedures for practical course will be specified by the subject committees.
The minimum pass marks for the theory paper is 40 percent in early system and 50 percent in semester system and for the practicum, 50 percent.
Graduation Requirements
The M.Ed. program extends over two academic years. M.Ed. degree is awarded on its successful completion. All the candidates for M.Ed. degree must fulfill the following requirements:
the successful completion of 1000 marks as prescribed with the passing grades in all the course but in semester system 69 hours credit hours including professional and elective subject in each specialization subject to be completed for master degree in education
the completion of courses for the fulfillment of program with in the time frame prescribed by T.U. ( faculty board and academic council )
Grading System
The grading system will be as follows:
1.Third Division: 40 % and Above
2.Second Division: 50 % and Above
3.First Division: 60 % and Above
4.Distinction: 75% Above
Students having a bachelor's degree in education are eligible to apply for the master's program. They do, however, require specific qualifications for admittance to different programs. In the semester system, they must pass an entrance exam in order to be admitted to specific programs.