Master of Public Administration

Master of Public Administration

2 years

Entrance Exams

Colleges offering MPA under Tribhuvan University

Master of Public Administration (MPA) program of Tribhuvan University is a common purpose program in annual system, designed to produce high-level human resources for professional careers to serve in the public affairs management of the government, non-government, public enterprises and private sectors. After successful completion of the program, a student should be able to function as an administrator/manager in government, non-government, public enterprises and private sectors. The program specially aims to:

  1. Equip the students with required knowledge of administrative science and management
  2. Prepare high level manpower in the area of public administration, development administration, policy formulation and analysis, international administration, personnel administration and contemporary issues in public affairs management
  3. Enhance research capabilities of students

Graduation Requirements

  1. Successful completion of 1000 marks as prescribed with passing grades in all the courses
  2. The passing scores obtained separately in all the required courses and/or thesis
  3. Completion of courses for the fulfillment of the MPA program must occur within the time limit as prescribed by Tribhuvan University

Minimum General RequirementsThe minimum general requirements for the MPA programme are as follows:

  1. An academic year will consist of a minimum of 150 teaching days excluding the days taken for admission and annual examinations. 
  2. The total instructional periods in an academic year for the programme will be 150 days x 5 periods = 750 periods. 
  3. A paper of 100 marks will have 150 lectures and a paper of 50 marks will have 75 lectures. Each lecture will be of 1 hour duration.


Eligibility for MPA Admission:

Candidates, who have successfully completed Bachelor's degree in any discipline from Tribhuvan University or from any other Universities recognized by TU are eligible for applying MPA programme.

Admission test

Candidates seeking admission for the MPA programme must appear in the entrance test examination conducted by the Faculty of Management (FOM). FOM issues a score-sheet to each student appearing in the Entrance Test. The admission test comprises of following areas :

  1. Verbal Ability
  2. Quantitative Ability
  3. Logical Reasoning
  4. Administrative and General Awareness
  5. Short Essay

If you are searching for Model Question; download CMAT Model (It is specific for MBS but the questions are similar so equally applies for MPA): 

Download: MBS CMAT Model Questions.pdf

Students must submit the admission test request form along with testimonials (transcripts/marks-sheet, etc.) to Central Department of Public Administration (CDPA). FOM shall charge a fee for conducting the Entrance Test.

Students must submit their applications for admission to the campus along with the score-sheet. Public Administration Campus gives admission to students on the basis of merit list. The merit list is prepared by considering the admission test score and percentage of marks obtained in the Bachelor's degree. The admission is granted in a competitive basis. The applicants must enclose with the application form attested copies of :

  • Certificates/testimonials of all examinations passed;
  • Equivalence transfers and characters certificates (wherever applicable); and
  • Two passports sized photographs.

Curricular Structure

Curriculum: Master of Public Administration (MPA)

  1. Programme ObjectiveThe objective of the Master's Degree programme in Public Administration (MPA) is to produce high-level human resources in order to serve public affairs management of the government, non-government, public enterprises and private sectors. The programme focuses on areas of specialization such as Development Administration, Human Resource Development, Public Finance, and Law and Order Administration. After successful completion of the programme, a student will be able to function as an administrator/manager in government, non-government, public enterprises and private sectors. The MPA programme specifically aims to: 
  2. Curricular StructureThe curriculum for MPA degree comprises of four separate and distinct course components as follows :
    1. Core Courses: Core courses integrate all functional areas and provide the students with an appreciation of the diversity and interrelationship of Public Administration, Development Administration, Public Policy Analysis, Public Financial Administration, Public Personnel Administration and Organizational Behaviour. 
    2. Analytical and Professional Core Courses: Analytical courses are designed to enable the students to develop the skill of identifying and analyzing the problems. It includs subjects - Research Methods in Public Administration, Public Enterprise Management and Social Responsibility, International Administration and Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs Management. 
    3. Specialization Courses: Specialization in any one of the areas, Development Administration, Human Resource Development, Public Finance and Law and Order Administration areas enables the student to develop their expertise in the functional area. 
    4. Thesis Writing: Thesis writing is an optional subject. While completing the specialization areas (elective courses), students are required to take either four courses of 50 marks each or thesis writing of 100 marks with any two courses of 50 marks each from the same specialized area. The thesis has to be written within the specialisation area opted by the students. 
  3. Course CompositionThe Core Courses carry 800 marks and specialization areas (elective courses) carry 200 marks. In the first year , students shall study six courses with the total weight of 500 marks. The following are the courses for the first and second year.

    First Year

    Course No. Subject


    PA 500 Fundamentals of Public Administration


    PA 510 Research Methods in Public Administration


    PA 520 Development Administration


    PA 530 Public Personnel Administration and Organization Behavior


    PA 540 Public Financial Administration


    PA 550 Administrative Law



    Second Year

    Course No. Subject


    PA 600 Public Policy Analysis


    PA 610 Public Enterprise Management and Social Responsibility


    PA 620 International Administration


    PA 630 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs Management


  4. Specialization Areas (Elective Courses):Courses equivalent 200 marks to be selected from any one of the following areas.

    Development Administration Area

    Course No. Subject


    DA 621 Rural Development


    DA 622 Urban Development


    DA 623 Development Planning


    DA 624 Project Management



    Human Resources Development Area

    Course No. Subject


    HR 631 Personnel Administration in Nepal


    HR 632 Comparative Personnel Administration of SAARC Countries


    HR 633 Labour Policy and Administration in Nepal


    HR 634 Human Resources Development



    Public Finance Area

    Course No. Subject


    PF 641 Budgeting


    PF 642 Accounting system in Nepal


    PF 643 Auditing system in Nepal


    PF 644 Tax Administration in Nepal




    Law and Order Administration Area


    Course No. Subject


    PO 651 Public Security and Development


    PO 652 Police Administration


    PO 653 Security Management


    PO 654 District Administration and Law Enforcement



    Thesis Writing

    Course No. Subject


    TH 655 Thesis



Curriculum of Masters in Public Administration (under semester system)

Second Semester


Course Title

MPA 509

Statistics for Public Administration

MPA 507

Public Policy I

MPA 508

Administrative System in Nepal

MPA 506

Development  Management II

MPA 510

Organizational Behaviour

Third Semester 


Course Title

MPA 511

Public Policy II

MPA 512

Administrative Law

MPA 513

Public Enterprises Management

MPA 514

Contemporary Management

MPA 515

Global Governance

MPA Fourth Semester


Course Title

MPA 516

Research Methods in Public Administration

MPA 631

MPA 641

MPA 651 

MPA 661

Rural/Urban Development 

 Comparative Personnel Administration of SAARC Country 

 NGO Studies Public 

Policy Analysis I

MPA 632

MPA 642 

MPA 652 

MPA 662

Development Planning and Project Management

Human Resource Development 

 Cooperative Management 

 Public Policy Analysis II

MPA First Semester Model Questions 2019.pdf